>I’ve know several people whom never paid taxes and never got audited
I didn't file for over 25 years, got engaged, thought I should be honorable, started paying all years starting from the beginning. everything nice for a couple months then boom they went full commie, I pulled back letters piled up, saw a 40 jew cpa recommended by lawyer, said your only mistake was contacting them, never answer, never acknowledge and they go away. Top CPA used by all elite in area, I was making 6500 month cash as a process server for lawyers, everything turned out fine I only had paid back the early years so it was minimal, 16 - 24. Never any problems with banks or anything with year after year of unprovable income, just cash deposit after cash deposit. I was a pot dealer as well so well over 10k a month into the bank, never an issue, if you don't open envelopes, or answer phone calls.
The government is a liar and a thief, tell them to fuck off.