If someone had left a packet of anthrax laying around in the White House,
instead of a packet of cocaine,
would the Secret Service have been able to figure out who had left it?
If someone had left a packet of anthrax laying around in the White House,
instead of a packet of cocaine,
would the Secret Service have been able to figure out who had left it?
But how can we prove voter fraud if we don't vote?
Jewish Mafia Network
Maybe it's not really her anymore.
Maybe the Real Crooked Killery was executed and what we see now is just a body double.
The criminals give awards to each other.
Just like they give college scholarships to each other's kids.
Was it a social experiment to see how successful their brainwashing was?
I guess WW3 was supposed to start with a FF where Russia would be blamed.
U1 tied to Russia.
But Russia beat them to the punch with a first strike against their Money Laundering/Human Trafficking/BioLab country of Ukraine.