I sent a friend the RFK Jr. video with him saying that COVID was targeting whites and blacks and not Chinese and Ashkenazi jews.
They responded asking me what my take on it was…
My take on this?
I see it on a couple of different levels
1) I feel JFK Jr.'s statements were planned, video edited and released intentionally by his people…this was not accidental.
2) Like the Wuhan Lab leak, Hunter's laptop is Russian disinfo, child trafficking is right-wing conspiracy…the MSM will attack the message
but info will continue to be released that will show RFK Jr. statements were true.
3) One of Russia's main justifications for going into Ukraine was the existence of Bio-weapons labs creating ethnic targeted weapons…will be proven true.
now comes the bat-shit conspiracy levels…
4) RFK Jr. identifies Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews…not just any Jews.
By doing this I think he is shinning a light on who these people are…
Some Ashkenazi Jews are decended from the Khazars
And the Khazars are….
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia