Anonymous ID: 0c20c6 July 16, 2023, 8:06 p.m. No.19193389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3402 >>3414



YouTube has been draggingly slow lately, and keeps switching to 144p so nothing is readable.

YouTube even wrote code to show a "experiencing interruptions? click here to find out why we did this to you".

Today, anon was shown why they did it; see picrel:

They want to sell the PREMIUM PLAN!

Anonymous ID: 0c20c6 July 16, 2023, 8:18 p.m. No.19193446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3476 >>3481 >>3498 >>3506 >>3518 >>3706


There are levels of ownership.

"This is my rifle; this is my gun" – the rifle is owned by the government, and, even though government says "you signed a piece of paper saying that you are ours" that signing seems to be less Constitutional than they put forth. Anyway, private owns the 'gun' and is in control of the rifle.

Board Owner owns the board. Jim Watkins owns the platform that the board is placed on.

Jim can move anything on the platform. Jim is like government, Board Owner is like private, and board is like rifle or gun.

So yeah, otheranon was accurate with

>JW ultimately owns all Boards

As to RRN?

Thisanon agrees with the concept, "one anon posts, another says 'Notable', and it gets included".

Anon also sees how that process can be gamed by two shills.

Not exactly a stalemate…

Anon also sees that the global about RRN is now gone. So anon sees there is no rule against it, and the discussion should thus be over and it should be included in the Notables.



Anonymous ID: 0c20c6 July 16, 2023, 8:30 p.m. No.19193516   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Just because something drops out of globals, doesn't mean it vanishes

>most important or recent info is in this Global bun for bakers

>there is more in Dough Resources

Ah, okay. Anon does not know all; thank you for the pointer!


>you have no power here


Anon feels you. Also, you are not exactly true. Words have power. Anon got BO to reply to anon, with valuable pointer that can help others who are as observationally challenged as anon. :)

You have power here. Learn it.