Anonymous ID: 6a7baf July 17, 2023, 9:13 a.m. No.19195675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5679 >>5854 >>5893 >>5945 >>6211 >>6338 >>6398

“Chances for Western Europeans to Become Extinct Greater than for White South Africans”

by Richard Abelson Jul. 17, 2023



White South Africans may have a better chance at survival than their kin in Europe, according to Jaco Kleynhans of the Solidarity Movement: “What sets Afrikaners apart is that we have already lost the demographic and political battle without losing our language, identity, and faith. The chances for Western European peoples to become extinct in the long run are greater than the chances for Afrikaners to come to an end.”


Speaking to Maroela Media, Solidarity International Liaison Kleynhans and Dr. Heinrich Matthee, honorary chair in security studies at Akademia in Centurion, South Africa commented on the recent fall of the Dutch government in the face of renewed mass immigration, and the civil war-like unrest in France.


Dr. Heinrich Matthee called the European migrant crisis “a policy crisis or even a crisis of the current model of peaceful coexistence, which is struggling under the pressure of mass migration.”


European mass migration was reinforced by “a tremendous loss of support for the nation-state and secure borders, as well as a loss of common values such as faith and culture among Europeans,” Kleynhans noted. “The exaggerated belief in national identity and borders, which led to both world wars, began to diminish in the West—something that did not happen in other parts of the world such as Japan, South Korea, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.”


“Tipping Points”


Unlike the West, these countries did not turn their backs on the nation-state and nationalism, which is why they do not experience problems with illegal immigration, Kleynhans said. “On the contrary, measures have been developed in the West to try to accommodate illegal migrants with the cultivation of a culture of excessive tolerance. This has created a perception that it is acceptable to immigrate illegally to Western countries.”


Declining tolerance for mass migration has led to stricter migration policies, Kleynhans and Matthee said. Demographic shifts may lead to “tipping points” where either side of the population, indigenous, and immigrant, begin to behave differently.


“As immigrants are no longer a minority, they increasingly make more claims and even occupy entire areas and institutions. On the other hand, ethnic Europeans like Germans or Dutch also feel alienated”, Kleynhans said. This is why there is “an emerging right-wing and populist politics—one that does not, however, amount to a return to the conservative roots of the West.”

Anonymous ID: 6a7baf July 17, 2023, 9:14 a.m. No.19195679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854 >>5945 >>6211 >>6338 >>6398




“Clash of Civilizations”


According to a 2021 opinion poll by Harris Interactive, “two-thirds of all French people are concerned about a “replacement” of the indigenous population, Kleynhans noted. “Today, we are faced with a significant number of immigrants and their descendants who are establishing parallel societies in Europe where they are not integrated and assimilated with the local population,” Matthee said. “It is a clash between a civilization that is rapidly aging and even systematically dying out, versus a very young and energetic civilization ready to conquer new territories. One is first-world, and the other is third-world; one is culturally more advanced, and the other is much less advanced.”


“There is a clash in terms of values and faith—a secular West versus deeply conservative and religious newcomers,” Matthee said.


South Africans may project their situation too quickly onto the situation of indigenous Western Europeans, Matthee cautioned: “They travel to a few major European cities and think that the enclaves of migrant communities there are evenly distributed nationwide. In reality, there are many spaces and social events where indigenous Europeans visibly represent the dominant culture.”


While the future of Europe and its leadership “will look and function differently than in the 1970s,” Afrikaners should not write off Western Europe too quickly, according to Matthee. “Afrikaner organizations would miscalculate if they think that the greater political and economic influence of Western Europeans compared to Eastern European players will simply disappear in the next decade.”


Afrikaners should Establish Ties with Americans


This is why Afrikaners should “preferably establish strong ties and projects with their homeland and their distant American cousins to ensure their demographic, cultural, and territorial sustainability.”


Regarding the question of the survival and sustainability of Afrikaners, Kleynhans is optimistic. “What sets Afrikaners apart from what is currently happening in Europe is that we have already lost the demographic and political battle but without losing our language, identity, and faith.”


“The chances for Western European peoples to become extinct in the long run are greater than the chances for Afrikaners to come to an end,” he says.

Anonymous ID: 6a7baf July 17, 2023, 9:27 a.m. No.19195774   🗄️.is 🔗kun

17 Jul, 2023 13:40

Kiev’s gloating over Crimean Bridge deaths ‘monstrous’ – Moscow

The Kremlin says a Ukrainian terrorist attack claimed two civilian lives, with a child left injured


Ukrainian officials cheering the deadly terrorist attack against the Crimean bridge demonstrate “cynical and monstrous” behavior, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said.


The Monday morning blasts killed two Russian civilians traveling via the strategic transport link and left their 14-year-old daughter an orphan.


“They said in Kiev that the incident was the result of a joint operation of its Navy and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).It confirms that the nation’s political leadership and special services are linked to this terrorist act,” the ministry said.


Ukrainian media earlier in the day cited sources in theSBU as claiming credit for the attack. It involved naval drones, they said, a fact that Russian investigators have confirmed. Reaching the bridge “was difficult, but we finally managed it,” according to the source quoted by multiple outlets.


A spokesman for the SBU has promised to release details about the operation after the conflict with Russia is over.“For now we are watching with keen interest how one of the symbols of the Putin regime failed again under military use,”Artyom Dekhtyarenko said.


The previous successful Ukrainian attack on the Crimean bridge happened in October 2022, when a truck carrying a disguised bomb blew up on it. The explosion killed three civilians, including the driver of the vehicle. Kiev never claimed credit for the blast, but earlier this month a Ukrainian deputy defense minister mentioned the date as Kiev’s “first strike on the Crimean bridge.”


The Russian Foreign Ministry also blasted Ukrainian officials, who “mocked” the fatalities in the Monday attack. The ministry called the reaction “cynical and monstrous” and saidit “leads to conclusions about the moral and mental level of politicians in Kiev.”The statement did not call out any particular Ukrainian lawmaker by name.


The Russian government has rejected Ukrainian claims that the bridge is a legitimate military target and has said the damage done to it will be swiftly repaired.Permanently cutting the Crimean Peninsula’s links to the rest of Russia “is impossible to achieve,”Moscow stated.


(Kiev doesn’t realize the Kremlin has holding back, but the more they do this admitting they are at fault, the more they are opening themselves up to more brutal attacks, within the goals of the operation.)

Anonymous ID: 6a7baf July 17, 2023, 9:32 a.m. No.19195809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6241

17 Jul, 2023 13:15

US not ready for war with Russia – White House (WTF does that mean? Psyop)


If Ukraine joined NATO now, it would mean a direct confrontation with Moscow, a senior US official has said


US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has stated that Ukraine’s future lies in NATO, but said certain conditions must be met before it can join the alliance, which includes ending its conflict with Russia.


In an interview with CBS on Sunday, Sullivan insisted that NATO is committed to accepting Kiev into its ranks despite the lack of a formal invitation or timeline for membership during last week’s NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania.


“Ukraine’s future is in NATO. We meant it. That’s not up for negotiation,” Sullivan said. “That’s something that now all 31 allies have committed to,” he added, referring to the final statement released at the end of the summit, in which all members of the alliance pledged to eventually accept Ukraine into the bloc, once a number of conditions are met.


Speaking to ABC, Sullivan said that accepting Ukraine into the alliance now would mean a direct confrontation between the bloc and Russia.


“Having Ukraine come into NATO while the war is going on would mean that NATO was at war with Russia, it would mean the United States was at war with Russia. And neither NATO nor the United States were prepared to do that,” he said.


Kiev insists that it has already met all of the requirements to join the US-led bloc and has expressed confusion over what more it has to do to qualify for membership.


“When will those conditions be met? What are those conditions? Who should formulate them? What are they?” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said in an interview with Radio Free Europe last week.


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky lashed out at NATO for failing to meet Kiev’s membership demands and called the lack of a roadmap towards accession “unprecedented and absurd,” saying NATO’s indecisiveness is a sign of weakness.

Anonymous ID: 6a7baf July 17, 2023, 9:40 a.m. No.19195870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6256

17 Jul, 2023 15:13

Senior Russian official responds to UK sanctions

There was no way Moscow would allow Donbass children to remain under Ukrainian artillery fire, Vyacheslav Dukhin has said


A senior Russian official hit by the latest round of UK sanctions has shrugged off accusations that he helped to forcibly deport Ukrainian children, adding that he has no regrets about the actions which saw him blacklisted.


On Monday, the UK’s Foreign Office announced a new round of anti-Russian sanctions, targeting several high-ranking officials and media figures, including Education Minister Sergey Kravtsov, Culture Minister Olga Lyubimova, journalist Anton Krasovsky and a number of human and children’s rights officials.


The ministry argued that the blacklisted people were either “involved in the forced deportation of Ukrainian children” to Russia, or were “spreading… hate-inciting propaganda.” The sanctions mean that they will face asset freezes – if any are found – and travel bans.


The deputy head of Moscow Region, Vyacheslav Dukhin, who was also included on the blacklist, seemed unfazed by the sanctions. Writing on Instagram, he pointed out that he had no assets in the UK that could be frozen in the first place.


The official also responded to the accusations of deportation, stating that all the children who had been transferred from Russia’s Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics to Moscow Region had no parents.


“They now live in foster families, loved and being taken care of…I think that even Ukrainian propaganda will not dare to say that they should have been left in danger under Ukrainian artillery strikes,” he said.


Dukhin added that while he had been to London many times on business trips, he would not miss it. “Just be careful that this London bridge of yours doesn’t fall down, like in the song,” he quipped. (He should have skipped this comment.)


Officials in Kiev have repeatedly accused Russia of illegally deporting Ukrainian children, an allegation Moscow vehemently denies. Last month, Russian PresidentVladimir Putin insisted that Moscow had been moving children out of the conflict zone in order to“save their lives.”


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov maintains that Moscow has been extremely transparent on the matter, having said that if the children’s close relatives decide to pick them up, they have every right to do so.


(Why doesn’t Russia reveal all the child trafficking through European countries?)

Anonymous ID: 6a7baf July 17, 2023, 9:44 a.m. No.19195896   🗄️.is 🔗kun

33 minutes ago

Mike Lindell Previews Ballot Harvesting Debate And Upcoming Election Crime Summit

3:46 minutes

Anonymous ID: 6a7baf July 17, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.19196202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6225 >>6233 >>6399

I’m only posting this because it’s my deep hope it happened and its funny. Don’t put it in notables because that is not allowed on our free speech board. Kek


__Gretchen Whitmer Hanged at GITMO__By Michael Baxter - June 26, 2023


When a military tribunal convicted Gretchen Whitmer of treason and sentenced her to hang by the neck until dead, the disgraced Michigan governor bewailed the verdict and accused Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall of denying her the right of counsel. She was taken to Camp Delta’s version of death row, an isolated cell block apart from imprisoned detainees still awaiting their day in court, where she incessantly demanded a retrial to prove her innocence.


The nagging irritated staff to the point of playing a cruel practical joke on Whitmer.


At 9:00 a.m., June 22, military police roused Whitmer awake with good news, saying Vice Adm. Crandall had unearthed exculpatory evidence supporting her claims of innocence and unilaterally revised the verdict to “not guilty.”


They told Whitmer they had orders to escort her to Leeward Point Airfield, where a plane sat fueled and waiting to fly her to freedom in Michigan without further delay.


Whitmer reportedly grinned from ear to ear, smiling for the first time since her arrest on May 30. An elated Whitmer was so relieved she made small talk as MPs opened the rear door to the Hummer, applauding Adm. Crandall’s willingness to judicially evaluate evidence and concede she had committed no crimes. She said she was eager to resume her gubernatorial duties and even boasted of her presidential aspirations.


After a few minutes, however, Whitmer wanted to know why the Hummer was traveling north toward Marine Hill instead of South to the ferry that carries people and vehicles between the Windward and Leeward sides of the base.


The driver told Whitmer he needed to make a pitstop to grab her “exoneration paperwork.”


Then Whitmer saw the clearing and the gallows and Vice Adm. Crandall.


And the hangman and a Navy chaplain standing atop the gallows.


“You lied to me,” Whitmer bellowed.


“Minor error, not a lie,” the driver replied.


Whitmer protested, telling Adm. Crandall that the MPs had deceived her. No one, she complained, told her she’d be executed that day. The admiral was furious at the MPs for violating protocol and said he would deal with them, but said their inappropriate behavior had no bearing on Whitmer’s fate.


A different pair of MPs led her to the platform, and the hangman slowly fitted the noose around her neck.


As is customary, the admiral asked Whitmer whether she wanted Last Rites or the chance to make a statement of contrition.


She said the people she wished to speak with were Biden and Kamala Harris.


The admiral instructed the hangman to flip the switch, and a second later, Whitmer was swinging from the rope, a guttural gurgling sound escaping her lips.


She was officially pronounced dead several minutes later.


“Another Covid queen out of the way,” Adm. Crandall said.


A GITMO source told Real Raw News that the mischievousMPs were disciplined for their unsanctioned humor


(Apparently we cannot provide the link to RRN because its labeled spam…)