The whole country has lost interest. They arent even following along anymore. They are unaware the DOJ keeps noncomplying with deadlines….. they have no fucking idea anything is happening
Yes she said he was in a compound in Iceland back in Nov 2016, and White Hats got him a few hours before black hats did. Said he hasnt been in London for over 2 years
I do think Q is real and all… that being said. Ill believe it when I see it at this point. Can only take so much "its coming" without it coming before Im like ok ill sit back now and stop waiting and when it happens it happens
You think the liberals are salvageable? I see their comments on facebook daily and they are so looney, they are far gone lol. I dont see how all of them will see the light. Some, but alot wont
i dont LITERALLY mean A-L-L dude
Sooner or later, the big drops need to start hitting the news. A whole lot of nothing so far
A WHOLE LOT of nothing
>onight basically confirmed RR dirty. Means Mueller dirty.
Not if RR is clean and just playing a part. Regardless if he is clean or dirty, it was always going to end this way… I mean, he is complicit in some of this stuff
A missile hit the Pentagon