…. wtf is going on here… i thought QR wasnt controlled by bad Ops????????
Why wud u guys delete a thread 1576359 about WL & JA. Evry1 who was there in Oct 2016 knows wat happened!! wat r u trying 2 hide?????
no one was even posting on it, & it was gettn buried. u wud have been better off just leaving it alone, no1 wud have even seen it but u guys r too fukn dumb. The more u delete the more ppl resist & question the ligitmacy of this.
thats all u fuks do, is delete shit that doesnt fit ur narrative. u did it on 4ch, than thestorm, cbts, & now here… posts & threads. then u banned ppl & every1 left.. then u said "plz come back, we stopped banning ppl" … garbage. who the fuk is running this shit show. i sure the fuk hope its not the same ops as on anonOp … same tactics different board. psyop here & there so dumb. for all ur sec op skillz i wud expect u assholes to have better sociological & psychological practices in place.
im not arguing that Q & Potus arent working together or attacking them. i am questioning the motive. why else wud u guys intentionally delete relative information???? It's obviously NOT fake.
& now u'll do the same psyop, "oh, the shillz are _____, cia ni—-, filtered, blah blah" no dick wads. im not shilln.
I am Asking why you guys ARE HIDING the TRUTH about JA & WL.