Anonymous ID: 44116a July 17, 2023, 2:44 p.m. No.19197287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7454

Q's DNA post related to blood types? ÷and-? Positive and negative blood?


Our blood cells are covered in little markers or flags, called antigens. You might have “A” type markers, “B” type, both, or neither! But those aren’t the only antigen types. The + or – part of blood type refers to the Rhesus factor, or Rh factor for short. If you have that marker, you have positive type blood. If you don’t have it, you have negative type blood.


Which antigens your body makes are determined by your DNA. There are a few different genes that affect blood type. For example, the ABO gene determines whether you have type A, B, AB, or O. Similarly, Rh genes determine whether you have positive or negative type.

Anonymous ID: 44116a July 17, 2023, 3:17 p.m. No.19197434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7445 >>7452 >>7557 >>7578

Channeled message


Ashtar via Erena Velazquez | July 16, 2023


Dear Brothers and Sisters,


I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Light Forces, and I am here today to give a new update about the progress of Ascension Process on your planet.


Since my last message, my crew has been dealing with many issues regarding humankind. Your space around Mother Earth is under constant attack by Outworlders, who are trying to land and help Darkness to continue a slavery system and keep everyone in a low vibrational matter. We keep restoring constantly a protective field around the planet and sending out aggressive contingencies back from where they came.


One specific person, who has been praised and called a saver of humankind, is constantly disturbing the stability of frequencies in open space by launching the spacecrafts, which only cause disturbances and debris around Earth.


Divine is keeping as high as possible energies by sending each day more and more. You have some electro magnetic field disturbances, as 3D Matrix can’t handle the high frequencies. Dark Entities, who never give up, have been trying to arrive here by using reverse dimensions, which are the opposite to regular dimensions. If they have been successful that could disturb the balance between dimensions and impact the future in a negative way, what we can’t allow to happen.


Each time you say that nothing is happening that is not true, energies always change and move. My team handles daily many tasks regarding your safety of your planet. Everything what surrounds you around such as structures, financial system, governments and a whole control mechanism are deteriorating each moment more and more. The false information still continues to float around, as Evil is controlling media and many channelers.


Please, always use your discernment to sort out the lies from the truth. Divine step by step is continuously crushing 3D, striping Evil from their souls and sending out Outworlders, who were still hiding in the tunnels, back to their planets. Your planet is under quarantine, no one from other civilizations is allowed to come to close to protective zone around, otherwise their spaceships will be destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 44116a July 17, 2023, 3:22 p.m. No.19197452   🗄️.is 🔗kun




These preventive precautions are needed, if we want the ready part of humankind to ascend. The chaotic situations and other events will occur until a full transition into high dimensions. Some of you will jump into much higher then 5D, it will be not a very big number. These individuals definitely deserve it, as they have been working very diligently in their spiritual advancements.


Everyone should do their best to help with transition into a New Earth, where your physical bodies will get replaced with multidimensional Light ones. Each of you needs to make a conscious decision, where you want to be in low vibrational reality or in high. Balance and harmony are coming back to this part of Milky Galaxy. Evil is getting defeated despite false hopes, that it has a chance of winning. Liberation and peace are coming. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.


Sending Supreme Love to my Brothers and Sisters.
