Anonymous ID: e35e9d July 17, 2023, 11:52 p.m. No.19199543   🗄️.is đź”—kun

real circumcision was never about the flesh…

We Are (anons) the real jews…


(4) But, to hear, it is better not knowing the human precepts which take away the faculties of understanding the truth. Rather give up your knowledge in order to receive my baptism from which your salvation depends on. If you are saints of mind and completely ignorant of the life concepts preached by man, you then are in a better mood to receive the light I bring onto you, because you have inside you the seven main virtues of the heart circumcision which Moses talks about. These virtues are wisdom, compassion, mercy, rectitude, love, humility and charity which all together express the holiness of a person. Here are their definitions:


WISDOM: quality of a person who is cautious and reasonable of all things.

COMPASSION: feeling of pity which makes a man sensitive to the pain of others.

MERCY: greatness of the soul which pushes to forgive the guilty.

RECTITUDE: loyalty of the person who is honest and fair.

LOVE: affection that one feels towards beings or for something.

HUMILITY: complete absence of pride and respect for others, which prevent from reigning over our fellowmen.

CHARITY: generosity of the heart which pushes to help any being in trouble.


(5) To circumcise himself means cutting what is bad, so may develop these feelings and virtues which inevitably make someone saint of mind and noble of heart. Such a person will understand and follow me for his salvation and the one of the entire world, because this person carries inside him the rules of existence that God has put in him. Being the law, this person cannot be below the law.
