Anonymous ID: eb4fab July 18, 2023, 7:50 a.m. No.19200590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0604 >>0611 >>0629

DeSantis Next Move – Here Comes the Big Hug


July 18, 2023 | Sundance |

What comes next in the management of Ron DeSantis is predictable. I know these guys. This is what I call the Alex Castellanos shift [use site search].


After failure to launch on the original strategy, team DeSantis organized a crisis intervention last Sunday. What comes next is entirely predictable. The people managing Ron DeSantis will now shift to the Alex Castellanos approach. Christine Pushaw and her bitter hate approach will be distanced, and she’s told to get quiet. The tone of the influencers will be told to soften immediately and follow the candidate.


Here comes the BIG HUG!


The managers will likely use the pre-planned CNN interview with Jake Tapper as the launch vehicle to shift Ron DeSantis into the mode where he praises Donald Trump (the hug). You might even hear phrases like “without him, I wouldn’t be governor,” and “look, what they did to President Trump is unfair and unwarranted.”


The shift will be strategic and intended to portray a softer, more deliberate and professionally demure Ron DeSantis sympathetically. Neutering the confliction between himself and the campaign target, Donald Trump. DeSantis will be trained to speak warmly, perhaps even effusively about President Trump, while reinforcing his agreement and opposition to the unfair DC attacks against the former President and frontrunner.


DeSantis will affirm the wrongful nature of the current DOJ targeting. Then, after affirming the wrongful nature of the Deep State effort to attack Trump, DeSantis will then tack to a position of saying ‘but here’s the deal.’ ‘While Trump was unfairly attacked by all of the DC mechanisms that are corrupt and wrong, and there were dozens of examples of that hatred we could rightly discuss, I’m the guy who can hold them accountable and target the enemies who attacked him.’


In this approachRon DeSantis positions himself as the professional, strategic ‘white knight‘, who will combat the deep state machinery and deliver retribution because he is not emotionally attached to it. He’s the deep strategist who will defeat the Deep State with smarter maneuvers, less words, a sharper approach and better qualified people.


Factually, if he ever wanted a chance, this is how the DeSantis campaign should have started. However, their authentic campaign approach – the approach they believe in – didn’t work. Now the Brutus approach as outlined by Alex Castellanos comes out, “snuggle up real close and wait to shiv him in the ribs.”


Watch, you’ll see it.


An approach that gently shifts away from antagonism and combat into an approach that contains praise, even effusive praise, as a strategic move.


It won’t be subtle, it will be obvious to those looking for it, but it will be different. The problem they have is the same problem with the original launch, the shift is fake, inauthentic and transparently purposeful.


Watch and you will see the Big Hug play roll out….


…. But keep in mind, it’s all an act!

Anonymous ID: eb4fab July 18, 2023, 8 a.m. No.19200628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1039 >>1330 >>1398

Desperate DeSantis Team Uses Fake AI Generated Voice of President Trump in Iowa Media Campaign


July 17, 2023 | Sundance |

Former Ted Cruz campaign manager Jeff Roe is guy who told the Iowa caucus team in 2016 to tell the voters that Dr. Ben Carson dropped out of the race. So it doesn’t come as a surprise to see Jeff Roe now working for Ron DeSantis and deploying his bag of dirty campaign tricks.


The DeSantis team is planning to spend at least $1 million on a TV ad blitz using a fake voice of Donald Trump intended to trick Iowa voters. The desperate effort will backfire, as all desperate false efforts always do. If this is the approach of Team DeSantis, they will likely lose more voters than they could hope to gain.


(POLITICO) – […] A person familiar with the ad confirmed Trump’s voice was AI generated. Its content appears to be based off of a post that Trump made on his social media site Truth Social last week. The person said it will run statewide in Iowa tomorrow and that the ad buy was at least $1 million — a massive sum though one doable for the well-heeled super PAC.


“The blatant use of AI to fabricate President Trump’s voice is a desperate attempt by Always Back Down and Jeff Roe to deceive the American public because they know DeSanctimonious’ campaign is on life support,” said Trump campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita, referring to a top official with the pro-DeSantis super PAC. “After losing big donors and slashing their staff, they have now outsourced their work to AI just like they would like to outsource American jobs to China.” (link)


I have said from the outset, long before anyone wanted to accept that Ron DeSantis was being managed toward this 2024 effort, that everything created by the team around him is fake, astroturf and manipulated. This ad is just another example.


Ron DeSantis cannot win the GOP nomination without an external intervention to change the dynamic. If you start your review of sequence from that acceptance point, then you realize those who support Ron DeSantis will need to support the external intervention. In this instance, a corrupt and weaponized leftist U.S. Dept of Justice.


The DeSantis team, just like the Ted Cruz team that preceded him, are more anti-Trump and anti-nationalism than they are anti-corruption in government.


If it takes a corrupt and weaponized United States government to achieve their objective of a DeSantis nomination, then the corrupt and weaponized government is something they must accept. Hence, the baseline for my snarky prediction, “Hey, the bugs ain’t so bad.”


Again, this is not a grand exercise in political insight, it is simply following the sequence of necessary events to its most logical conclusion.


Ron DeSantis supporters will support Joe Biden in order to eliminate the problem of Donald Trump. However, the number of Republican voters who are willing to accept that conflicting outlook is far fewer than the number of ideologues within the GOPe willing to use it.


What I have just described, in that dynamic of diminished support, is exactly why Team DeSantis continues to shed supporters amid the ranks of voters.


Team DeSantis, the billionaires, the RGA, RNC and the entire coalition of ideological influencers, may be willing to eat the bugs – but the overwhelming majority of the voters will not; nor will they accept a transparently weaponized Dept of Justice as an external force against the will of We The People.


If you understand this dynamic, I mean really understand this dynamic, it becomes fun to combat the influence group being paid by the hundreds of millions in Sea Island funding.


In order to achieve their objective, the DeSantis supporters are forced to align with the corrupt system they pretend to despise. They are forced to deny that elections are manipulated; they are forced to deny the targeting of Trump is an inflection point that destroys our nation; they are forced to deny their association with the same corrupt and manipulated systems they depend on to achieve their objective. Pushing those supporters into the painful sunlight of their hypocrisy is not difficult.


Team meatball has to win in Iowa; even their own internal campaign team admit that without an Iowa victory the campaign just evaporates. Their desperation with the ad is pathetic, just like the campaign that sits behind it.

Anonymous ID: eb4fab July 18, 2023, 8:07 a.m. No.19200654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0658 >>1028 >>1039 >>1330 >>1398

Lisa Murkowski Threatens to Leave Republican Party and Join Democrats, Several Republican Senators Including Thune, Romney, Cornyn and Young Agree


July 17, 2023 | Sundance

For those of us who have been trying to awaken people to the true nature of Republicans in the senate, aka “the Decepticons”, the latest self-admissions are very welcome.


According to interviews conducted by The Hill, several Republican senators are now saying they just cannot be members of the Republican Party if they are forced to represent the interests of the base voter. These very specifically named Republicans have always been members of the UniParty in DC; however,now they are saying “populism” amid the commonsense, America First voting base is not going to be acceptable.


The senators are openly warning that if putting American interests first is going to be demanded by the voters, these Republicans will just become Democrats. There is no reason for Americans to distrust the institutions the Republican senators support, and there will be no compromise or discussion.


What is making these Republican senators angrier is that who they consider to be intellectual and professional people are also demanding a more populist approach toward a government that represents the people. This is just not going to be allowed according to Lisa Murkowski, John Thune, John Cornyn and the other names outlined.


WASHINGTON DC – […] “We should be concerned about this as Republicans. I’m having more ‘rational Republicans’ coming up to me and saying, ‘I just don’t know how long I can stay in this party,’” said Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska). “Now our party is becoming known as a group of kind of extremist, populist over-the-top [people] where no one is taking us seriously anymore.


“You have people who felt some allegiance to the party that are now really questioning, ‘Why am I [in the party?]” she added. “I think it’s going to get even more interesting as we move closer to the elections and we start going through some of these primary debates.


[…] “There are an astonishing number of people in my state who believe the election was stolen,” said one Republican senator who requested anonymity to talk about the growing popularity of conservative conspiracy theories at home.


[…] Republican senators say they are alarmed at how many Republicans, including those with higher levels of education and income, buy the unsubstantiated claims that the last presidential election was stolen.


A second Republican senator who spoke with The Hill said the growing strength of radical populism “makes it a lot more difficult to govern, it makes it difficult to talk to constituents.”


“There are people who surprise me — I’m surprised they have those views. It’s amazing to me the number of people, the kind of people who think the election was stolen,” the lawmaker said.“I don’t want to use this word but it’s not just a ‘red-neck’ thing. It’s people in business, the president of a bank, a doctor.”


[…] Senate Republican Whip John Thune (S.D.) pushed back on calls to defund the Justice Department, telling reporters: “Are we going to get rid of the Justice Department? No. I think defunding is a really bad idea.”


Thune later explained to The Hill: “There are seasons, swings back and forth in politics and we’re in one now where the dominant political thinking is more populist with respect to national security, foreign policy, some domestic issues.”


But he said “that stuff comes and goes and it’s built around personalities,” alluding to the broadly held view that Trump’s election to the presidency in 2016 and his lasting influence over the party has put his brand of populism at the forefront.


[…] Senate Republicans tried to wave off their House colleagues from advancing articles of impeachment authored by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) against President Biden and rolled their eyes at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) attempt to expunge Trump’s impeachment record.


Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) warned, “I fear that snap impeachments will become the norm, and they mustn’t.”


Asked about efforts to erase Trump’s impeachment record, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) quoted the popular show “Succession”: “Logan Roy made a good point. These are not serious people.” (read more)

Anonymous ID: eb4fab July 18, 2023, 8:26 a.m. No.19200756   🗄️.is 🔗kun


With all the info coming out from Comer and others this is what the Republican senators think of impeachment of Joe and others. They hate us:


But he said “that stuff comes and goes and it’s built around personalities,” alluding to the broadly held view that Trump’s election to the presidency in 2016 and his lasting influence over the party has put his brand of populism at the forefront.


[…] Senate Republicans tried to wave off their House colleagues from advancing articles of impeachmentauthored by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) against President Biden and rolled their eyes at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) attempt to expunge Trump’s impeachment record.


Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) warned, “I fear that snap impeachments will become the norm, and they mustn’t.”


Asked about efforts to erase Trump’s impeachment record, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) quoted the popular show “Succession”: “Logan Roy made a good point. These are not serious people.” (read

Anonymous ID: eb4fab July 18, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.19200930   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Portland Has an Apparent Serial Killer. His Accomplice May Be the Governor

Victoria Taft July 18, 2023

Portland, Oregon, appears to have a serial killer on its hands, and the murderer’s biggest accomplice may be the governor who let him out of prison early.


Before she left office, Governor Kate Brown commuted the sentences of people in prison who behaved well while under lock and key. She released others who she were near the end of their sentences, and chose to shorten the “sentences of 912 nonviolent inmates at risk of contracting COVID, granted 130 pardons, cleared death row, and wiped away cannabis possession convictions of nearly 50,000 people,” Willamette Week reported.


In December 2022 I wrote in PJ Media that when she was on her way out office, Brown abolished the death penalty.

Though Kate Brown has spent her years in office winnowing down the number of death row inmates from 34 to 17 and releasing violent murderers and rapists from prison, she chose this week to abolish the death penalty entirely in Oregon and “dismantle” a death chamber in Oregon that hasn’t been used in decades. And here’s why: she’s bugging out of office in mere days and handing over this time bomb to the newest woke governor to deal with. She did all of it without the consent of Oregon voters.


[…]She stood mute as local prosecutors refused to punish [criminals] and let out killers, rapists, and other violent felons to prey upon a new set of Oregonians. She made it easier for the cycle of violence to fester by doing nothing to fight against a measure to decriminalize hard drugs and did nothing to root out drug dens throughout her state’s most populous cities. In other words, she made things far worse, not better

[…] Reasonable people can disagree on the death penalty. Brown said it was immoral for the government to take a life, and there’s a case to be made for that, but sometimes it’s wise to have the specter of the death penalty to keep some bad actors more in line. Indeed, like it or not, the death-penalty-as-bargaining-chip makes prosecutors’ jobs easier when negotiating plea deals. Ask them.

In getting rid of the death penalty, she failed to consult or seek the consent of the governedeven though Oregonians endorsed the death penalty in the 1980s in a state-wide vote.

Justice is not advanced by taking a life, and the state should not be in the business of executing people— even if a terrible crime placed them in prison. Today I am commuting all death sentences in Oregon to life without parole, so we no longer have anyone facing execution here.

— Governor Kate Brown (@OregonGovBrown) December 14, 2022


But as Willamette Week reports, Brown’s act of generosity to killers and other criminals appears to have backfired on law-abiding Oregonians.

— NW_Conservative (@fishing_nw) July 17, 2023


Investigators believe that at least four, and possibly as many as six, people died at the hands of a man let out of prison by Brown.

Nearly two years later, on June 1, 2023, The Oregonian reported the discovery of the bodies of six young women: Kristin Smith, found Feb. 19 in Southeast Portland; Joanna Speaks, found April 11 in Ridgefield, Wash.; Charity Perry, found April 24 at Ainsworth State Park in east Multnomah County; an unidentified woman, also found April 24, in Lents, although the Portland Police Bureau said it did not suspect foul play; Bridget Webster, found April 30 in Polk County; and Ashley Real, found May 7 in Clackamas County.

The publication reported that Brown’s successor, Tina Kotek, revoked the commutation of Jesse Lee Calhoun, a man believed to be a “person of interest” in the deaths of the four women. Police are still investigating whether two other murders may be linked to the first four.


Online sleuths are the ones who put together the string of murders, according to the publication. PDXReal said they’d put out the information weeks ago.


Do you suppose Kate Brown could be considered an accomplice?


— Victoria Taft, The Adult in the Room, FITF Squad (@VictoriaTaft) July 18, 2023


Calhoun was a lifelong criminal with a “long record of felony convictions dating to 2004” including domestic violence. In 2018 he was arrested with meth, guns, and ammo and in 2019 he was arrested for burglary, auto theft, and injuring a police officer. His longest sentence was for 50 months. All told he was due for release in June 2022, but he was let out of prison early in July 2021.


Portland is struggling with many self-inflicted problems: drug dens on the streets, open air drug dealing, and an indulgent attitude about law breakers, including Antifa. Now this.

Anonymous ID: eb4fab July 18, 2023, 9:08 a.m. No.19201045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1060 >>1330 >>1398

Democrats Are the Real Racists, and They're Proving It Yet Again




Democrats love to push the narrative that they are the party of tolerance and acceptance. They’ll frequently boast about how diverse their coalition is, and accuse Republicans of being racist for — well, for pretty much any absurd reason they can conjure up.


Yet, time and time again, we see evidence of how the only minorities the left actually cares about are the ones who vote the right way. Conservatives like Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, and Winsome Sears are routinely attacked with racist rhetoric from the “tolerant” left.


And it doesn’t take much for Democrats to show their true colors.


Last week, Georgia State Rep. Mesha Mainor announced she was leaving the Democratic Party. Since then, she’s been the target of a flood of racist hate mail from the left. Mainor shared some of the emails she received on Twitter.


Here’s one letter (edited for graphic language).


I would like to help your retarded black a— by telling you. That saying you would support any candidate picked by the GOP during the primary is retarded. Not only is is retarded you live up to the word n—r by just following blindly. Remember you were a Democrat and “felt abandoned” to become a Republican, and now you’re going to follow blindly like you did with your party. You’re the stain on society that needs to be flushed. I wish you the absolute worst in your political history. You Uncle Tom b—h.


And another:


You dumb— aunt Jemima mother f—ing traitor! I will be sure to take a good chunk of my retirement savings, which is substantial, and will donate it to whoever it is that will be running against you, you self-hating black negress b—.


Oh, yo’ll see come 2024 how I will help to make sure you are defeated! Go run in a Republican confederate district that loves self-hating n—rs lie you!


And another, containing even more slurs and racist tropes:


You n—r bitch, you need to get back on the plantation before Massa Stacey whips yo a— back into shape — you need to stop eating your fried chicken and watermelon with Vernon Jones and back Ms. Nat Turner!


There are plenty more I could share, all incredibly nasty and racist, but you get the point. For all their posturing about tolerance, acceptance, and diversity, deep down, the Democratic Party is full of racists who only see black people as pawns in their neverending quest for power.

Anonymous ID: eb4fab July 18, 2023, 9:19 a.m. No.19201092   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House Oversight Committee releases timeline on Biden family's alleged influence-peddling schemes


The House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Tuesday released a timeline documenting the Biden family's alleged influence-peddling schemes dating back to the Obama-Biden administration.


"President Biden has repeatedly denied knowing anything about his family’s business dealings despite evidence to the contrary. The timeline contains important dates as to when Joe Biden knew and lied to the American people about his family’s business schemes," the Republican-led committee said.


Lawmakers discovered that the Biden family and business associates created a web of more than 20 companies, most of which were formed after Joe Biden became vice president. Additionally, they said they discovered that bank records so far have shown that the Biden family and their associates received more than $10 million from foreign nationals and their related companies.


The first major scheme on the timeline is in 2013 when now-first son Hunter Biden, his business associate and Chinese investors created an investment fund controlled by the state-owned Bank of China.


Hunter Biden was also involved in deals with foreign nationals from Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Romania, the timeline shows.


House Republicans have been investigating the Biden family's business deals since entering the majority at the start of 2023. Their wide-ranging probe has included testimony from IRS whistleblowers, reviews of bank records and more.


The release of the timeline comes less than a month after Hunter Biden reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors to plead guilty to two tax charges and admit to a gun charge that may be dismissed in order to avoid prison time.

Anonymous ID: eb4fab July 18, 2023, 9:22 a.m. No.19201109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1330 >>1398

Gov. Kemp rules out 2024 presidential run for now, calls on GOP to stop talking about 2020 election


Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp says he does not currently plan on running for president in 2024 andhe warned Republican candidates to stop talking about 2020 election fraud. Fuck off Kemp!


Specifically targeting former President Donald Trump's comments about election fraud, Kemp said Monday on CNN: "I think if he continues to do that, he's going to lose Georgia, in November. I mean, people are not worried about the past, regardless about – of how you feel about the election, you know?"


He also said that he thinks moderate Republicans and independents "are not worried about the 2020 election right now."


Even though he disagrees with Trump on election fraud in Georgia, Kemp says he plans on ultimately "supporting a Republican nominee to beat Joe Biden" in the 2024 election and that any Republican running for the Oval Office would be better than the Biden-Harris administration.


Trump has repeatedly clashed with Kemp over his stance on 2020 election fraud in the vital battleground state and even endorsed former Georgia Sen. David Perdue in a bid to unseat the governor in 2022.


When CNN's Kaitlan Collins asked whether he had fully ruled out running for the White House in 2024, Kemp responded: "I got a great job right now. I personally feel like having more people in the race does not help us win and beat Joe Biden. So, I'm certainly not running for president. But there's always doors open, in politics, depending on how things play out. And we'll see what happens."

Anonymous ID: eb4fab July 18, 2023, 9:26 a.m. No.19201144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1163 >>1170 >>1229

Pharmaceutical firm tied to 2024 candidate Ramaswamy tangled in lawsuits on COVID vax technology


A pharmaceutical company tied to 2024 GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is involved in lawsuits over COVID-19 mRNA vaccine technology.


Genevant Sciences, a portfolio company of Roivant Sciences, is suing Moderna and Pfizer over patented COVID vaccine technology while also being sued by another biotech company linked with Pfizer’s vaccine.


Ramaswamy founded Roivant Sciences, and was CEO of the biotech research company from 2014 until 2021. He continued as its board chairman until February of this year before he stepped down. He is not involved in the lawsuit.


Genevant Sciences, along with partner Arbutus Biopharma Corporation, sued Moderna in February 2022 over alleged patent infringement, followed by a lawsuit against Pfizer and BioNTech in April this year.


MRNA is similar to RNA, short for Ribonucleic acid, which is present in all living cells and that has structural similarities to DNA.


The lawsuit against Moderna alleges that the pharmaceutical and biotech company infringed on an Arbutus patent for a lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery platform for the vaccine, which was necessary “to safeguard the mRNA and deliver it into cells.” The plaintiffs allege that the infringement occurred when Moderna didn’t request a license to use the LNP patents for COVID.


Genevant licenses Arbutus’ LNP technology.


Arbutus and Genevant “do not seek an injunction or otherwise to impede the sale, manufacture or distribution” of the vaccine, according to a press release. Instead, the companies “seek only fair compensation for the use of patented technology they developed with great effort and at great expense, without which Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine would not have been successful.”


In March this year, a federal court judge declined to partially dismiss the case against Moderna, allowing it to continue.


Moderna didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on Wednesday.


In the April lawsuit against Pfizer and BioNTech for patent infringement, Arbutus and Genevant alleged that the companies “never paid Plaintiffs to use” the LNP technologies for the COVID vaccine.


Pfizer and BioNTech didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment on Wednesday.


Genevant declined to comment on its lawsuits against Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna.


Meanwhile, Arbutus and Genevant are facing a lawsuit from Acuitas Therapeutics, which was filed in March 2022.


According to the lawsuit, Acuitas, which “partnered with non-parties BioNTech and Pfizer to supply and license the LNP used in COMIRNATY,” the COVID vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech, alleges that Arbutus and Genevant were not part of creating the technology used for the vaccine.


The defendants “had nothing to do with [the] success” of the Pfizer and BioNTech COVID vaccine, according to the lawsuit.


“Neither has a COVID-19 vaccine, neither has created any component of such a vaccine, and neither has commercialized an LNP that can effectively wrap and protect any mRNA molecule,” the filing also states.


The lawsuit also alleges “Genevant seeks hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars in unjustified royalties on sales of COMIRNATY. That demand hinders the ability of Acuitas, as well as its partners such as BioNTech and Pfizer, to freely research, develop, and commercialize therapeutics utilizing Acuitas’s LNP technology, including COVID-19 vaccines.”


According to the lawsuit, “non-party Roivant Sciences Ltd. owns approximately 84% of Genevant Sciences Ltd., and Arbutus owns the remaining approximately 16% of Genevant Sciences Ltd."


Genevant and Arbutus didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment regarding the Acuitas lawsuit.


Ramaswamy also didn’t respond to a request for comment.


Acuitas told Just the News on Thursday that it doesn't "comment on matters before the court."


The patent lawsuits come as less Americans are getting the COVID vaccine boosters, and after vaccine mandates have been challenged in courts across the U.S. and eventually dropped.


The military vaccine mandate was rescinded at the end of last year, following President Biden signing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the $858 billion defense spending bill repealing the mandate.


The Biden administration ended the vaccine mandate for federal workers on May 11, when the COVID public health emergency ended.


Military members and workers across the country lost their jobs due to the vaccine mandates.

Anonymous ID: eb4fab July 18, 2023, 9:30 a.m. No.19201170   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is all we need to know about Vivek, thats why he was backing the vaccine, his companies owned the technology


“A pharmaceutical company tied to 2024 GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy”


Genevant Sciences, a portfolio company of Roivant Sciences, is suing Moderna and Pfizer over patented COVID vaccine technology while also being sued by another biotech company linked with Pfizer’s vaccine.

Anonymous ID: eb4fab July 18, 2023, 9:34 a.m. No.19201198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1264 >>1330 >>1398

Sorority members say they were told to change definition of woman to allow transgender to join

July 17, 2023


The sorority sisters said they filed the lawsuit to prevent other women from being placed in a similar situation.


Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sisters on Monday said that their national sorority headquarters told them to change their definition of a woman in order to allow a transgender woman to join their chapter at the University of Wyoming.


The sorority sisters are now involved in a lawsuit against Kappa's national leadership after it approved Artemis Langford, a biological male who identifies as a woman, as a member of the Wyoming chapter in fall 2022.


"When we brought up privacy and safety concerns, we were either ignored or told to be quiet and change our definition of a woman," eight Wyoming sorority sisters wrote in an op-ed for Fox News.


"We have a simple claim: we were promised an all-female experience, and we have the legal right to that. Kappa Kappa Gamma’s bylaws restrict membership to women," they said.


The sorority sisters said they filed the lawsuit to prevent other women from being placed in a similar situation.


Their op-ed comes after Kappa Kappa Gamma's national headquarters filed a motion last month to dismiss the lawsuit.

Anonymous ID: eb4fab July 18, 2023, 9:43 a.m. No.19201256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1330 >>1398

Updated: July 17, 2023 - 11:00pm

Ken Paxton attorney: Texas House won’t disclose information necessary for impeachment trial

House impeachment managers were given an order to provide the evidence. (so Republicans know their evidence will absolve Paxton so they are doing this)

Republican House Managers chosen by House Speaker Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont, aren’t complying with a discovery order issued by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Attorney General Ken Paxton’s attorneys claim.

The July 12 order requires the parties to “confer and accomplish the following as soon as practicable,” including requiring the House Managers to provide documentation to Paxton’s attorneys in preparation for the impeachment trial. The order was issued in response to a complaint Paxton’s attorneys filed on July 7.

The order requires House Managers to provide all reports, documents, business records, government records, papers, recorded witness statements, among others in possession of House officials relevant to any of the articles of impeachment. House Managers must also make available for inspection by Paxton’s attorneys all physical objects/evidence, all documents and photographs and all business records or government records expected to be introduced at trial. They are also ordered to disclose all known convictions of witnesses they expect to call, all “exculpatory, impeachment, or mitigating evidence, and the existence and substance of any payment, promise, possible immunity, lenience or preferential treatment made to any prospective witness listed,” according to the order.

Failure to comply with the order “may result in the exclusion of the evidence at issue and/or contempt of court,” it states.

The Senate also created a new website page that includes the order, motions and some documents related to impeachment proceedings. Already-published documents include some communication transmitted among counsel, a House General Investigating Committee denial to a public information request made by Paxton’s attorneys, and a motion filed by Paxton’s attorneys to preclude Paxton from being compelled to testify.

In response to the July 12 order, the House Managers provided six boxes of documents, which Paxton’s attorney, Tony Buzbee, argues is a ruse.

Buzbee issued a statement Monday saying in part that “House politicians refuse to follow Dan Patrick’s order unless Attorney General Paxton agrees to not make any of the documents provided by the House available to the public prior to the Senate trial. There is no reason to hide these documents or the truth from the public. This proceeding is too important to allow the House managers to try to hide the fact they have no incriminating evidence at all.

“While House managers, of course, tried to appear compliant with the Lt. Governor’s order by providing a mere six boxes of inconsequential documents which contained nothing new and absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing, [House Speaker Dade] Phelan’s kangaroo court is now defying the Lt. Governor’s order for production by demanding that Attorney General Paxton agree to keep everything provided secret from the people of Texas. This ridiculous demand is an attempt by the House to delay the Senate trial. Phelan’s kangaroo court is mocking the Senate and demonstrating contempt for the Lt. Governor.”

Rep. Andrew Murr, R-Junction, who chairs the GIC and is leading the House Managers, did not immediately respond to requests for comment. All previous requests for comment to Murr and GIC members have gone unanswered.

This demand for secrecy is unacceptable but not surprising from members of the very kangaroo court that impeached Ken Paxton, a body that was guided by politics instead of the law,” Buzbee said. “It is clear that the House realizes there is no evidence to support impeachment, and the House doesn’t want the people of Texas to learn this fact.”

Buzbee also asked Patrick “to force Phelan and the liberal House behind this sham impeachment to immediately comply with his order to disclose documents. The people of Texas deserve transparency and the liberal politicians in the Texas House who are siding with Joe Biden should not be allowed to hide the fact that it was a kangaroo court behind this impeachment with no evidence. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”

Anonymous ID: eb4fab July 18, 2023, 10:14 a.m. No.19201474   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bidan is not POTUS the bakers agreed to call him president only


In response, Patrick issued a statement, saying, “I have received numerous questions on the upcoming impeachment trial. On June 21, the Senate passed rules of impeachment 25-3. As presiding officer in the impeachment trial, all 31 Senators and I are subject to communication rules which prohibit discussing the merits of the trial.

“In order to keep the public informed of dates and orders I issue, the Senate has established a website that the public can check daily to stay updated on the latest filings.”

Patrick also said he issued a gag order on Monday, referred to the July 12 discovery order, and said the new website will continue to be updated as orders are issued and as parties file motions.