oh look another vaginal discharge shill persona
>sucking authoritative figurehead dick like you're going to get 2 extra cookies and putting yourself on a pedestal
i see right through you, bitch
>everyone who calls you out for being that faggot shill you are is triggered
nobody here puts you on a pedestal you fucking retard
you're a hero in your mind only but such is the case for such a narcissistic little waste of breathable oxygen like you
you're an insignificant spec who tries way too hard not to be the glownigger you are
the waste of oxygen still replies
wipe your chin if you're gonna suck my dick so much
it's impolite to leave the money shot on there
one day you may realize how stupid that metric is to judge by on an image board where professional psy op faggots are paid to sway public opinion
>get a group of people - about 9 or 10 should do
>have influential insider drop some info on anonymous img board
>have a few of your group spam absurd bullshit as they play the antagonists
>have the rest latch on to play the protagonists
>all a sudden some unsuspecting bystanders start participating and jump on whichever side they more relate to
because that word gets thrown around so much that it only applies to whoever agrees with it
the fact we can have the lotto and still not play online poker for real money in most states pisses me right the fuck off
selective laws are a joke