Russia has hot women that believe in tradition.
I found inspiration in that. Thank you, Anon. o7
So does anyone actually believe a US soldier went for a walk in anger and entered into the DMZ and got arrested? Smells like complete bullshit to me. I'm open to being proved wrong though.
Smacks of beating the war drums against NK to rile up the populace of NA. That's what it seems like to me, but you've given me something I never considered. Thank you, Anon. o7
What ideology to you subscribe to? It sounds so… superior, as if every Anon should subscribe to the same ideology that you do. So what is it? What is your ideology? What is your nationality? Why can you not make a single post without making an ethnic accusation of some kind? That's a sign of being low-IQ. Are you trying to trap the naive and low-IQ into your game of circle-jerk? Ask me how I know you're a faggot.
Hiding behind memes disparaging the Joos, huh? I can't help but notice you were too cowardly to even answer a single question I gave you. Are you winning? Is your narrative winning?
Ah, limp-wristed Dirk the Dumbest. Filtered.
He answered, so, uh, yeah.
Cherry-picking information to support a narrative that has a foundation of glass is not very convincing. Better luck next time, loser. Your skills are weak.
Now you're pretending to be a patriot, huh. "Look, I'm Anon just like you, I posted a meme about HIllary. That proves it, right? Ah hyuk hyuk." Too bad you have a history of posts that prove otherwise, right? Loser.
Their spam is directly proportional to their panic.
Remember when Gary tried posting that very same narrative and then Tranimae put into notables? Then the BV removed it and he had a hissy fit and then disappeared not long after, to come back to "steal the thunder" of some Anon that decided to be the focus for all the shills' hate and attacks, and then he disappeared again after Anons and the board staff had enough of the bullshit?
Begone, MuhCourtJooVaticanShill. You are the most persistent of your group, but you are absolutely one of the dumbest in your group. Absolutely. Filtered.
That's the thing about using personas. The power split between them will never be greater than the sum of its whole. I use no personas. I am just myself, stumbling through this, and learning things I never thought in a million years that I'd learn.
Ahhhh,,, grilled cheese sandwiches with a thin slice of tomato in each one, and a big cup of black coffee. Today is going to be a good day.
She's a former Disney girl that was abused by Dan Schneider. It fucked her view of the world and it's turning her into a weirdo.
Particularly dry brushing brushes.
IIRC I read somewhere that he had a deal with his former wife about going to the island once a year too. She knew.
Harris, I re-watched you being cordial with that DEI fucktard yesterday. You looked terrified. Do not be afraid of evil. Evil has no power over you. I do not believe you are guilty, but you do share some complicity. Not my place to judge, others will.
SSgt. Jones has been eating well. Looks a little puffy in the neck.
Arm wrestling match, you and I, SSgt. Jones.
Alright, alright, I will leave them alone. That just popped into my head. Felt I should listen for some reason.
Only the wicked need fear my… criticism.
He worked with George Soros' brother Paul and his wife's "Fellowship for New Americans" foundation. Recon or partnership? I guess everyone will just have to wait and see.
With little activity with that avatar it's susceptible to impersonation. Sorry, Anon.
Holy shit! Refreshed and over 100 posts of worthless trash disappeared. o7
>Censorship is all fun and games until you're the one being censored.
Been there, done that from May 2021 to January 2022 on this board. I never cried and whined and had toddler tantrums like they did/do, I AIO'd.
I never submitted to tyranny though. Don't try gaslighting me, shithead.
Don't mess with the ents, wizards. They'll fuck you up and make you have a bad time.
Okay, Tranimae, seeing as you're pushing the issue, I didn't whine about being banned, I collected bans as badges of honor in that time, adapted, and continued the fight.
If all else fails, deny being identified.
>If all else fails; double down. You can't fail.
Yes, because it was never about identifying you. It was about accusing you of being one, which one was irrelevant, which then causes you to seethe, which then cause you to post in anger which would provide moar information. There are only two shitheads that try to "gotcha" me: Tranimae and ~~afterthought~~. There is a distinct undertone that cannot be hidden in the words between personas, it is quite strong, I care not what cloak you're wearing right now, but you have been identified. Better luck next time.