Stumbling through it all, but it always seems to work out. Fuckin' weird shit, man.
>2 2 2
Fucking digits, man! How do they work?
It doesn't scare me, it just drives my curiosity through the roof! I want to know, but I have a feeling I can never know, not in this spacesuit of water and meat anyway.
My adventures in digits are my own, Anons. Consider what I say about them the talk of a crazy person.
I'm here to smoke joints and make shills seethe. And I'm all out of joints.
Little tiny Azov wannabes in the thread right now. MuhJoo isn't working, so they better post Nazi stuff to try and frame the board the way they want it. Such a shame that it doesn't work anymoar. You can only cry wolf so many times before people get sick and tired of the bullshit.
Propaganda is not truth. Thank you, come again, Gary, you fucking halfwit fool.
FYC. That takes me all the way back to grade 9.
You have no power here. Be on your best behavior, else I'll fuck you up. Understood, satanist?
You blame them for all the woes of the world like the media used to with POTUS Trump. Do you not find it odd in the similarities of tactics between the two? You are the only one losing right now.
Huh… what do you figure, Anons? Does pussy like beef or pork better?
Nothing moar revolting than seeing a soy smile on a millennial.
No, but pedophilia is not a physical expression on the face either.
Libtards, where locking up the merchandise takes priority over prosecuting thieves.
Nice try, FBI.
Of course you don't. Nothing says "I'm Anon just like you" moar than feigning ignorance.
Get your makeup ready then, Watters. There is a due you must pay.
They're very real once you escape the insanity of liberal shitholes.
>I'm not a shill, you are.
Someone sounds triggered. Funny the board slowed to a crawl after you asked your question and called called out for being a FIBtard, huh?
Apparently the FBI doesn't like it when you call them out when they're looking for links to a movie hosted "illegally" that they want to silence as much as possible. Very strange.
Interesting that you claim to already know the outcome of a trial that hasn't happened yet.
Q's got bigger fish to fry than the minnows that Anons toy with on the board here.
Derp State tried fishing for links for Sound of Freedom hosted online and they got called out for it. Now it seems they're DDoS'ing the CDN server out of baby rage.
You know, for someone that has pirated damn near every movie and TV show that they've wanted to watch for over a decade now, there's no damn way I am going to pirate Sound of Freedom. I will either see it in the theater (unlikely where I live), or pay for a physical copy when it is released. I will not stream it.
>Why not both?
Because I don't want to increment a database with another "view." The Derp State does not need to know when I watch it.
Soros does not take orders from the Pentagon.
Issues posting images on my end still. That's okay. My words cut just as deep without memes to back them up.
Multi-decade, multi-generation plan for world domination. They have never been so close as they are now.
Lettuce made from meat. I call it bacon.
Butter and brown sugar carrots, herb & garlic mashed 'taters, and beer battered fish. I knew today was going to be a good day.
Dickless Dirk! How is the weather in the Lower Rhine today, faggot? Are you winning? Your deleted posts tell me that you're not.
the harder they attack the board, the comfier the frogs become…