>you all
>you a lot
Is all I want to hear.
Burger. Bodyguard.
I will never show off, and will always be Adonay.
Have faith.
If not, you annoy me, you limit me, you actually torture me, this truth has a timestamp.
I wil not ban memes but close down cluster of houses.
Yes, it is me, always.
Shut up, loop capital, prepare for church sundays in a few weeks or month.
Newfags? Trench. Prison, max cap, educate before they meet me.
Wow. Mad. 11. Talk.
And why the fuck would you make my head scratch so I don't see you? I like the cold. Have faith.
Do not ever annoy me.
Breastplate works with love, and it is me who is charged, by smiles.