Thank you Baker.
Bolton is going to Moscow tomorrow too but he wouldn't be going from LAX to JFK.
LAX is a major intl hub. Anyone incoming from Asia or is this someone trying to escape domestically?
Strzok testifies tomorrow and the Wray and RR Thurs.
Most likely of him coming or going to the hearing.
My husband just said, 'kurt schilling is the man!' :-)
2 MS13 agents were found dead after SR's murder. I'm unsure what the phone part means other than maybe their orders were given by phone/text.
Q, we love you, stay safe.
USSS, thank you for watching out for all /our people/.
POTUS, stay safe. HUGE YUGE day POTUS! CONGRATS on SCOTUS rulings.
Operators, stay safe, we love you all! You are amazing people!