They literally had to poison their water supply, poison their food, poison their schools, then poisoned them even more directly when they brought in drugs to their communities.
This is all besides the metaphorical poisoning of their family unit.
All to take them down.
All this stuff about the opiate crisis?
Yeah, that's just Cocaine 2.0, now it's reached the rest of America.
Possibly, but if that was the case, then why would they need to introduce Nimrod's DNA if they could already do what they need to do without it through the cult shit?
And if they need the proper DNA to do the cult shit and they don't have the proper DNA, does that mean the cult shit doesn't work?
So, why would they engage in the cult shit if they didn't have the right tools to make the cult shit actually work?
>Are you asking me…?
Nope, just wanted to make sure we are on the same page.
Psychotic behavior is actually pretty tame as far as explanations go, anon.