AJ is probably less comped than cernobitch and psobiec, as they are both jews.
That Nasim creature would probably try to kill the president if she could, and yet you have fags here fapping to her and trying to lionize her.
She was a leftist.
She was a militant vegan leftist freak.
what is this jewish female power fantasy bullshit?
civnat retards are trying to "find a place" here.
They need to be pushed out immediately. They will become enemy number 1 once Trump's policies start working as intended.
Alright, if you have to constantly include the line "she is pretty" in just about every picture you post of her, she probably isn't.
I don't care about shit that happened 80 years ago. This is the new era of truth.
POTUS will say what he has to say. It's irrelevant. His policies are helpful to whites. I care about results, not titles.
Someone ought to tell Maxine that #WalkAway couldn't be done without her.
Thanks for destroying your own communist party, nitwit.