You know, they're not shitting up the board with their usual ethnic/racial bullshit. Need to work on Pepe's second axiom. "The quality of comfy is directly proportional to…" Haven't figured out the rest yet. The third should be something indirectly proportional I would wager.
>The quality of comfy is directly proportional to being comfy.
Pepe's 2nd Axiom: The quality of comfy is directly proportional to the state of being comfy.
Thanks, Anon. o7
And just what the fuck are you, you fucking moran? KEK! A little tiny fool is what it looks like to me. I fart in your face.
How many times do I have to tell you useless chucklefucks? I am not Jewish. You can call me whatever you like, it has absolutely zero effect on me, but I am not the one behaving like an evil ratfuck that's about to have a bad time…
>Your board troubles are caused by your jewish censorship and your lack of abilities.
Thank for you for your admission on being behind the issues the board is experiencing.
Give? You thought that was an offer? Silly girl, get your head out of your maggoty ass, it was an observation. You can take nothing from me. Absolutely nothing.
>You stupid mutt.
Says the Eurotrash with a head full of bigotry and shriveled little raisin balls.
>Says stupid low IQ jew.
Again, because you're so very incredibly stupid, I am not Jewish.
Image test…
>All jews say that, jew.
It's nice to know that you're confident enough to speak for all of them without being voted into office of any kind.
I am just a mirror. You are projecting wonderfully though.
You mean that crazy cult that expects people to think for themselves? Scary shit, right?
Yeah, but shill whine though.
Wow. So despair, very doom.
So, shills, are you winning? You can surrender anytime.
You sure are an expert on everything about them. How is that possible for someone that hates them?
So what are you then? You sure act superior, above others here. What are you? If you're so goddamn superior to an entire fucking ethnicity, speak the fuck up then, chickenshit. Do it! I fucking dare you, you scared, paid posting faggot that has to stick to a script and cannot deviate. Has predictable responses; sticks to ethnic theme. Are you winning?
That's one of those domestic terrorists that you hear the government talking about.
That used to be a very good indication, but not so much anymoar. Checking the contents of others posts (highlight ID, CTRL+F) and then decide before throwing out the shill hog. Your vernacular is another tell as well. So, are you winning?
Anons are fucking strong!
Begone, intellectual flat earth. Peddle your fucking bullshit elsewhere, faggot. I'm not interested in you trying to chain off my post.
It's a tightrope walk after post 50. Just letting you know how it is for me when I cross that threshold. Remember to pull back. Don't lose yourself in it.
Have at 'er, Anon. I'm not stopping you. o7
> I can't believe I haven't been banned on Twitter again yet.
I just tenderize them and then sometimes let my filter eat them. KEK!