"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings…"
can a bred be defective? last bred was but this one is mo better.
notable in trip nein
It's only a few hours, any anon who spends hours here shitposting has no excuse not to watch it.
fundamental info.
then listen to William Cooper's Mystery Babylon series.
and listen to this.
This site is the greatest aggregator of news that matters on the web. Everything else has already been researched and available to see so fuck off
been on the board since day two, but I didn't watch that till a couple months ago. you never know what lurker hasn't seen these things posted yet.
the tunnels under Europe and the Middle East go thousands of miles and interconnect so it prolly was.
compiling lists of what secret societies every politician and billionaire are members of.
there are very few tombstones older than 150 years.
I wonder how much bitcoin he owns? lots prolly
US Finally Cancels Funding To Wuhan Lab
The Biden administration has halted the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s access to federal funding after the lab failed to provide documents about safety and security measures
This just happened…. now???
5:45 PM · Jul 18, 2023
The stated reason for the funding halt? The lab failed to provide documents concerning safety and security measures, according to a memo obtained by Bloomberg.
>Finally you do not solve the property tax problem with this
Alphonse Faggiolo is a force to be reckoned with because he understands his Constitutional rights and the LAW. The federal income tax AND property taxes are two of many unconstitutional forms of tyranny through taxation which Alphonse actively fights to extinguish in his own life, here’s how he does it.
Muh dood.
I'm in agreement with you on bitcoin.
I was only replying to your reference to property taxes which Alphonse Faggiolo has much interesting things to say about and is currently in court fighting. His website has very helpful info on how to fight through the courts, if you're willing to dedicate the time. I'm not, but it's awesome that there's people that are.
If you have time to listen to the interview he seems to have very solid legal grounds establishing the fact that property taxes on residential property is unconstitutional. His method of fighting in court may lead to a sort of stalemate where they leave him alone while continuing to rob the rest of us.