Dis chit workin yet?
>Why do most serial killers have German origins?
You have to be precise to get the shot placed just right.
>Given the Mi indictments today I would bet $5 that they will charge some of the whistle blowers!
>I think the are counting on a civil war at this point. IMHO!
Make the arrests moar and moar blatant while truth about their own deeds spills.
Demoralize and incite.
Try as hard AF to start civil war to circumvent elections.
Would explain Carlos Slim funding Sound of Freedom.
>Great results, can be achieved with small forces. - Sun Tzu
Muh wife ain't buyin' that line no moar.
Anon is too tarded to be borken.
Another day, another field of shills to rip out by the roots.
>and making bitcoin profits exempt from capital gains taxes.
Bitcoin fags foam at the mouth at the prospect of making sure DS bitcoins are never recorded as income.