Anonymous ID: 0a45f3 July 19, 2023, 4:47 a.m. No.19204971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4986




NEW YORK, July 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ – World-leadingeconomist Jeffrey Sachs, bestselling author and historian David Talbot and Ukraine war critic Colonel Douglas Macgregor are among the expert guest authors to be featured in The Kennedy Beacon, a new Substack launched today to support the candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.




The publication comes courtesy of American Values 2024, the pro-Robert F. Kennedy superPAC. It will combat censorship while highlighting Kennedy's positive vision for America. In addition, The Kennedy Beacon will feature guest columns, regular columnists, and a staff of writers covering issues about which Kennedy most cares: censorship, peace, homelessness, federal government corruption, mass incarceration, drug addiction, and the environment.


The SuperPAC American Values 2024 raised more than $10 million to date.


To donate to the Kennedy Campaign, click here.


To donate to the American Values 2024 superPAC, click here.


"With so many publications spilling so much ink on the presidential race, one might reasonably ask what the value of another publication is focused on the election?" writes American Values co-Chairman, Mark Gorton in one the new journal's first posts.


"The Kennedy Beacon does not seek to redo the work of so many other publications," he continues. "In fact, the first regular feature of The Kennedy Beacon will be a daily news round-up of what is being said by the rest of the media. This news roundup will save time and effort for people interested in following what is being said about RFK Jr."


"Kennedy is leading Democrats back to their roots," said Tony Lyons, President of Skyhorse Publishing, and co-founder of the superPAC. "His commitment to free speech, peace, safeguarding our environment, economic recovery and healing the divide in our nation are the same principles his father and uncle championed."


"At the same time, we haven't seen a coordinated smear campaign against a candidate by establishment elites as intense as Kennedy faces daily…they are petrified that Kennedy will unite the country and tell the truth," said Lyons. "We plan on separating the myths vs. realities with the Beacon."


Coinciding with the formal launch of the new Substack, Columbia University economics professor, and bestselling author, Jeffrey Sachs, contributes a passionate and detailed take-down of President Biden's and America's Ukraine policies.


David Talbot, Salon founder and author of numerous bestselling books including The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government will contribute a weekly column.


Author and journalist John Leake will also write a weekly column, focusing on censorship as it pertains to Kennedy's campaign for president.


Follow The Kennedy Beacon at and on Twitter at


About American Values 2024

American Values 2024 is a Super PAC dedicated to electing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to President of the United States. The SuperPAC was co-founded by Mark Gorton, CEO of Tower Research Capital, and Tony Lyons, President of Skyhorse Publishing. Executive Director is John Gilmore. Learn more at


Paid for by American Values 2024, (307 W. 36th St., 11th floor, New York, NY 10018) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


MEDIA CONTACT: Trevor FitzGibbon


Who is WEF's Jeffrey Sachs?


Jeffrey D. Sachs

Director, The Earth Institute, Columbia University




1976, BA (Hons), Harvard College; 1978, MA and 1980, PhD, Harvard Univ. 1980, Assistant Professor; 1982, Assoc. Professor; 1983, Full Professor. Former: Director, Center for Int'l Development; Prof., Int'l Trade, Harvard; Chairman,WHO Commission on Macroecon. & Health. Economic Adviser to govts in Latin America, E. Europe, CIS, Asia and Africa; Research Assoc., Nat'l Bureau of Economic Research.Co-Chair, Advisory Board, Global Competitiveness Report, World Economic Forum. Currently: Director, Earth Institute, Columbia Univ. and Special Adviser to UNSG. Member: American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Brookings Panel of Economists. Author. Research: links between health and dev., economic geography, globalization, emerging markets, global competitiveness, transitions to market economies, int'l financial markets & macroeconomic policy coord., & macroeconomic policies in developing and developed countries. Recipient of awards.

Anonymous ID: 0a45f3 July 19, 2023, 4:53 a.m. No.19204986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4991



Meet all 3,800 graduates of Klaus Schwab’s globalist WEF education programs by name


RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Who are the globalist members of the trade organization known as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the operatives that they have trained, why should you care, and what can you do about it?


Let’s begin by answering, “who are they?” The current 100 WEF full members (“Strategic Partners”) are drawn from the largest corporations in the world, together with their owners and managers, who are often referred to as “Davos Man”.


The list of corporations, owners, and managers that control the WEF is not disclosed, and membership can only be inferred indirectly.


Read also: Check out our coverage on curated alternative narratives


However, the WEF members do not act alone. Still, they have developed various groups of globally distributed trainees who generally work in accordance with the detailed policies and positions developed and distributed by WEF leadership.


(Klaus Schwab: We penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders)


These training programs have been operating for over three decades, resulting in the placement, distribution, and rapid advancement of many thousands of WEF-trained operatives throughout the world.


WEF chairman Klaus Schwab has famously claimed that these operatives have been strategically inserted into key positions in various governments and influential positions in essential industries such as media, finance, and technology.


The ‘Malone Institute’, founded by critical mRNA researcher Dr. Robert Malone, has published a list of the approximately 3,800 graduates of the WEF’s “Global Leaders of Tomorrow” and “Young Global Leaders” cadre.


One should at least memorize the names of Schwab students in one’s own country – because to what extent these politicians, media professionals, entrepreneurs, and co. act for the interests of the citizens is highly questionable.


The institute’s website reads:


The Malone Institute (primarily Dr. Jill Glasspool-Malone and Anita Hasbury-Snogles), in collaboration with the Pharos foundation and Pharos Media Productions in Sweden, has invested months and hundreds of labor hours to mine existing and historic publicly available data sources to develop a detailed summary of graduates from two WEF training programs; the World Economic Forum’s Global Leaders of Tomorrow (a one-year program that ran from 1993 to 2003) and Young Global Leaders (a five-year program started 2004/2005 and still running).


These people have been intentionally and internationally deployed as foreign agents representing the interests of the WEF members to “penetrate the global cabinets of countries” as well as a wide range of key business sectors, including banking/finance, other business sectors (including health and biotechnology), academia and health, media, technology, logistics, arts and culture, sports, politics, and government, think tanks, telecommunications, real estate, financial investment/holding companies, a variety of non-governmental organizations, energy, aerospace, and military, food and agriculture.


The document with all names can be downloaded here.


The list goes far beyond big names like Bill Gates, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, or Mark Zuckerberg. It includes people from all the sectors mentioned above in pretty much every country.


To claim that all these people automatically follow the WEF’s plans would be an insinuation. Of course, it is unclear to what extent they represent and try to implement the ideals of the WEF in detail.




Anonymous ID: 0a45f3 July 19, 2023, 4:53 a.m. No.19204991   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The WEF is the organization that has masterminded the globally harmonized planning, development, and implementation of the lockdowns, mandates, authoritarian vaccine campaigns, suppression of early treatment options, global targeting of dissenting physicians, censorship, propaganda, information and thought control programs which we have all experienced since late 2019, writes the Malone Institut on its website.


This is the organizational structure used by the ones who have sought to control and manage the world to advance the economic and political interests of their members through the ongoing “Great Reset” (as named and described by their chairman Klaus Schwab) by exploiting and exacerbating the social and economic disruption which they have artificially and intentionally crafted since SARS-CoV-19 began spreading across the world, the institute continues.


The musings and plans of this trade organization read and sound like the implausible sinister plot of a fictional international spy novel concocted by a second-rate version of Ian Fleming, John Le Carre, or Robert Ludlum, ads the Malone Institut.


They are backed by the financial resources of many of the wealthiest people in the world. For examples of the “muddled thinking and pseudo-science which these self-appointed masters of the universe” (Malone Institut) proudly publish, it is recommended that you do your best to read ‘COVID-19: The Great Reset’, ‘The Great Narrative for a better future’ (both by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret), and ‘How to Prevent the Next Pandemic’ (by Bill Gates). A detailed interactive summary of their policy positions and the interrelationships of those policies (“transformation map”) can be found here and for COVID-19, here.


The Malone Institute recalls Klaus Schwab’s statement that it is proud to infiltrate governments worldwide with its Young Global Leaders. Citizens should therefore ask themselves two questions:


“Are these people I can trust with my future and that of my children?”

“Do they represent my interests, values, and what I believe in?”


If you decide that you cannot trust them, or that they do not share your interests and values, then it is time to act to prevent them from taking control of all aspects of your life.


Otherwise, concludes the Institut, the WEF seeks to take away everything you own and completely control all aspects of your life. One of the key predictions of their ‘Global Future Councils’ is that by 2030, you (or your children) will own nothing, and will be happy. Here is a link to other aspects of their vision of tomorrow.


The document with all names can be downloaded here.


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Anonymous ID: 0a45f3 July 19, 2023, 4:56 a.m. No.19205003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5005 >>5015 >>5019


==Ventilators are being overused on COVID-19 patients, world-renowned critical care specialist says=


Italian experts say many patients fare poorly on ventilators; Toronto expert says more data needed


A member of the medical service of a Spanish automobile manufacturer checks a ventilator near Barcelona on April 7. Putting COVID-19 patients on ventilators straight away may be the wrong approach, some experts say. (Pau Barrena/AFP via Getty Images)

As emergency and intensive care doctors around the globe work frantically to save the lives of people gravely ill with COVID-19, one of the world's foremost critical care experts is warning against what he calls the misuse and overuse of mechanical ventilators.


"A standard treatment cannot be applied to an un-standard disease," said Luciano Gattinoni, a world-renowned Italian intensive care specialist.


He was referring to the current protocol for the machines used to push oxygen into the lungs of patients gravely ill with COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.


Gattinoni, a professor in the department of anesthesiology and intensive care at the Medical University of Göttingen in Germany, gained renown in the early 1980s for placing patients with certain respiratory problems in prone position, on their stomachs, to improve their oxygenation. The technique was first met with ridicule before being widely adopted.


At the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in Italy, many emergency departments were immediately placing COVID-19 patients with alarmingly low levels of oxygen on mechanical ventilators, a standard practice for a condition known as Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).


But in a paper published this week in the journal Intensive Care Medicine, Gattinoni and colleagues wrote that COVID-19 appears to diverge in key ways from normal ARDS, and that the usual recommended use of ventilators at high pressure that works for standard respiratory distress cases may actually harm some COVID-19 patients.


Luciano Gattinoni, a professor in the department of anesthesiology and intensive care at the Medical University of Göttingen, Germany, says ventilators are being misused and overused during the COVID-19 pandemic. (CBC)

COVID-19 patients, like those suffering from ARDS, have below-normal levels of oxygen in their blood, which leads to breathing problems. In ARDS cases, the lungs lose their elasticity. But in many cases of COVID-19, the lungs remain elastic and people are able to continue breathing for some time despite the low oxygen levels.


This "remarkable combination is almost never seen in severe ARDS," he writes, adding that patients with normal looking lungs but low oxygen are at risk of lung injury from the ventilators, where pressure from the air damages the thin air sacs that exchange oxygen with the blood.


In Gattinoni's study, only 20 to 30 per cent of patients fully fit the severe ARDS criteria.


Different types of patients requiring differentiated types of treatment are best identified by CT scan, says Gattinoni. But if CT scans are not available, doctors can indirectly gauge a patient's needs based on "surrogate" measurements of lung stiffness, for instance, and other factors.


With the standard ARDS treatment, Gattinoni says, people are put on a ventilator sometimes too late, or too early, with the ventilator's pressure set too high, causing damage.


Marco Garrone, an emergency doctor at the Mauriziano Hospital in Turin, Italy, calls Gattinoni's paper "a game changer." He said it states clearly what he and his colleagues have been experiencing in the emergency room since the pandemic exploded in northern Italy in late February.


"We started with a one-size-fits-all attitude, which didn't pay off," Garrone said of the practice of putting patients on ventilators right away, only to see their conditions deteriorate. "Now we try to delay intubation as much as possible."


Factors such as the overall health of the person before catching COVID-19, or how sick they are by the time they arrive in hospital, could also affect how well a person fares.


Oxygen without force

Garrone says his emergency department now begins with non-invasive ventilation — different ways of getting oxygen into patients' lungs without force, such as a mask or a nasal cannula. This helps people in the early stages of the disease to inhale enough oxygen without damaging their lungs.



Anonymous ID: 0a45f3 July 19, 2023, 4:57 a.m. No.19205005   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Doctors in New York state and elsewhere have voiced similar concerns about putting patients on ventilators too soon and with the pressure too high. Many have begun to delay their use, after New York authorities reported a death rate of 80 per cent for people who go on ventilators.


However, the head of critical care at Toronto's University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital, cautions against drawing any firm conclusions from Gattinoni's paper.


Niall Ferguson, who is also site-lead at Toronto General Hospital, also says with no data to back it up, the 80 per cent rate in New York is anecdotal and seems "extreme."


'It's mostly a theory'

Ferguson, who calls Luciano Gattinoni "the E.F. Hutton of intensive care — when Gattinoni talks, people listen," recalling a once-famous brokerage firm ad, was one of the editors of Gattinoni's paper at Intensive Care Medicine.


His observations about COVID-19 "have generated a lot of discussion in the medical community and on Twitter," Ferguson said. "But I think it's important to recognize that it's mostly a theory at this point."


With many IC units operating near capacity, he says, doctors do not have the time to randomize patients to one treatment protocol or another in order to study the effectiveness of each.


The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) published one study earlier this month on the death rate of COVID-19 patients on ventilators in the hardest-hit Italian region of Lombardy. It actually showed a relatively low death rate on ventilators, 26 per cent, but Ferguson and Garrone both dismissed its results because many patients were still on ventilators when the data was collected and may have died after.


Garrone said it's when ICU units get overwhelmed that the risk of misuse of ventilators is highest.


'It's been a constant flood'

"Everyone talks about COVID as being a tsunami, but a tsunami is a wave that passes. Here in Italy, it's been a constant flood," he said. "ICU physicians in Italy are well-versed with ventilation. But these patients were so overwhelming in numbers that they trickled out of the ICU into the emergency department. And that's where we began to ventilate them."


Ferguson agrees that the use of ventilators becomes an issue with doctors, pulled into a crisis situation, who are less experienced with the devices.


But he said the IC community of doctors he's in touch with are well aware that treatment of COVID-19 patients needs to be individualized, which was Gattinoni's main point.


Laura Duggan, an anesthesiologist at the Ottawa Hospital, told the Emcrit podcast for emergency and critical care doctors that, like many ICU doctors, she looked to intubate patients with low oxygen right away, but that she's "happy to see that pendulum swinging back a bit" to figuring out what else can be done.


"I think there is a balance to be had between finding something that's simple and widely applicable versus trying to still personalize things for each patient," said Ferguson.


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Anonymous ID: 0a45f3 July 19, 2023, 4:59 a.m. No.19205018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5020


9th Circuit denies bid by environmentalists and tribes to block Nevada lithium mine


Lithium Mine Nevada Appeal

FILE - A billboard displays "Protect Thacker Pass" near the Fort McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone Indian Reservation on April 25, 2023, near McDermitt, Nev. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday, July 17, 2023, rejected the latest bid by conservationists and tribal leaders to block construction of a huge lithium mine already in the works along the Nevada-Oregon line. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File)


RENO, Nev. (AP) — The latest bid by conservationists and tribal leaders to block construction of a huge lithium mine already in the works along the Nevada-Oregon line was denied by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday.


A three-panel judge of the San Francisco-based appellate court rejected a half-dozen legal arguments the opponents had put forth in their appeal seeking to overturn federal land managers' approval of one of the projects at the forefront of President Joe Biden's plans to combat climate change.


The critics have been fighting it in federal court for two years. They claim the open-pit mine, as deep as the length of a football field, will violate multiple environmental laws and destroy lands tribal members consider sacred because they say dozens of their ancestors were massacred there in 1865.


Lithium Nevada Corp.'s mine at Thacker Pass, 200 miles (320 kilometers) northeast of Reno, has pitted environmentalists and Native Americans against Biden’s efforts to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to cleaner, renewable energy sources. The mine would involve extraction of the silvery-white metal used in electric vehicle batteries.


On Monday, the judges didn't specifically address the claims that the project fails to comply with a new opinion the 9th Circuit issued last year that blocked a copper mine in Arizona based on a more stringent interpretation of the 1872 Mining Law regarding the use of neighboring lands to dispose of waste.


Rather, they more generally deferred to the expertise of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, which approved the mine in 2021, and the decision by U.S. District Judge Miranda Du in Reno earlier this year to allow construction to go forward even though she concluded the mine was not in complete compliance with the new interpretation of the Civil War-era mining law.


The bureau's approval of the mine “was not arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in accordance with” the National Environmental Policy Act, the 11-page ruling said.


The bureau approved the mine in 2021 on an accelerated basis under Donald Trump's administration. The Biden administration has continued to embrace it in an effort to ramp up U.S. lithium production.


Officials for Lithium Nevada, a subsidiary of the Canadian-based Lithium Americas, say the Thacker Pass mine’s reserves would support lithium for more than 1.5 million electric vehicles per year for 40 years.


Conservationists say the operation will pollute the groundwater and destroy precious habitat for sage-grouse, pronghorn antelope and other species in violation of environmental laws.



Anonymous ID: 0a45f3 July 19, 2023, 4:59 a.m. No.19205020   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Their lawyers had argued that Du illegally exceeded her authority when she refused to revoke the mine's operation plan in March despite her conclusion that federal land managers had violated the law in approving parts of it.


The 9th Circuit ruling concluded Du applied the proper legal standard and found the bureau's sole error in approving the project “weighed against” vacating the entire approval of the mine.


Spokespeople for the plaintiffs said after Monday’s ruling they were considering their legal options.


“We all recognize the need for renewable energy, but it can’t come at the cost of making the biodiversity crisis worse,” said Erik Molvar, executive director of Western Watersheds Project.


Government lawyers had said much of the evidence the Western Shoshone and Paiute tribes presented about the sacred nature of the land came after a formal decision had been issued and that none of it clearly established the actual location of the massacre.


The 9th Circuit ruled the bureau acted “reasonably and in good faith” in its consultation with tribes potentially affected by the mine.


Company officials said Monday they were “pleased to see such a decisive ruling” and that construction was continuing.


“We have always been confident that the permitting process for Thacker Pass was conducted thoroughly and appropriately,” Lithium Americas CEO Jonathan Evans said in a statement emailed to The Associated Press.


One independent analyst group said the “brisk” issuance of the ruling so soon after the June 27 oral arguments underscored the significance of what it considered an “important legal victory” for the mine that could become one of the largest lithium-producing operations in the world.


”Opponents could seek further review at the Ninth Circuit or may appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, though we are skeptical their arguments would fare any better,” Washington-based ClearView Energy Partners said in a note to clients.


Plaintiffs in the case said in emails to the AP that they hadn't decided whether to appeal.


Great Basin Resource Watch Executive Director John Hadder warned the ruling could set a dangerous precedent.


“Lithium Nevada’s destruction of sage-grouse, pronghorn and other wildlife habitats at Thacker Pass foretells the damage to public lands and the biodiversity loss that the lithium boom in the West will cause,” said Katie Fite, public lands director for WildLands Defense.


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Anonymous ID: 0a45f3 July 19, 2023, 5:01 a.m. No.19205023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5067 >>5205 >>5360

Japan halts poultry imports from Brazil’s Santa Catarina state due to bird flu


Japan has ceased importing poultry products from the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina following the detection of avian flu in a local bird.


This action was reported by the Department of Inspection of Products of Animal Origin of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, aimed at exporters eligible to send products to Japan.


This import suspension has been initiated by Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAF).


They have stopped inspecting imports of live poultry, poultry meat, and egg products from Santa Catarina.


The Ministry has contacted the Brazilian office in Tokyo to update them about this development.

Anonymous ID: 0a45f3 July 19, 2023, 5:05 a.m. No.19205028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5064 >>5067 >>5141 >>5205 >>5360

Chile mandates masks in schools amid rise in respiratory viruses


In response to a significant outbreak of the syncytial virus and an uptick in seasonal respiratory diseases, the Chilean Government reinstated the compulsory wearing of masks in schools for pupils aged five and above.


Health Minister Ximena Aguilera emphasized the importance of mask usage, regular hand hygiene, and vaccination to curb the spread of respiratory viruses as students return to school post-recess.


The decision is a relief to authorities and specialists concerned about the elevated viral activity during the winter break.


Laboratory surveillance shows that the prevalence of syncytial virus and influenza has decreased from the peak levels seen in previous weeks.


The mask mandate, applicable to all indoor spaces in schools, will remain in effect until August 31, coinciding with the conclusion of the government’s health alert.


Health organizations in the country have endorsed mask use in crowded settings and public transport, particularly for individuals displaying flu or cold symptoms.

Anonymous ID: 0a45f3 July 19, 2023, 5:06 a.m. No.19205030   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chile mandates masks in schools amid rise in respiratory viruses


In response to a significant outbreak of the syncytial virus and an uptick in seasonal respiratory diseases, the Chilean Government reinstated the compulsory wearing of masks in schools for pupils aged five and above.


Health Minister Ximena Aguilera emphasized the importance of mask usage, regular hand hygiene, and vaccination to curb the spread of respiratory viruses as students return to school post-recess.


The decision is a relief to authorities and specialists concerned about the elevated viral activity during the winter break.


Laboratory surveillance shows that the prevalence of syncytial virus and influenza has decreased from the peak levels seen in previous weeks.


The mask mandate, applicable to all indoor spaces in schools, will remain in effect until August 31, coinciding with the conclusion of the government’s health alert.


Health organizations in the country have endorsed mask use in crowded settings and public transport, particularly for individuals displaying flu or cold symptoms.

Anonymous ID: 0a45f3 July 19, 2023, 6:02 a.m. No.19205146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5151 >>5154 >>5158 >>5196

re:Carlos Slim

he, like billionaire spouseSalma Hayekand conspiracy gatekeeperGeorge Nooryare allLebanese..


the land of Canaan, the land of Anakim, Mt. Hermon, Giants, etc…


Lebanon was part of northern Canaan,

and consequently became the homeland

of Canaanite descendants, the Phoenicians,

a seafaring people who spread

across the Mediterranean in the first millennium BC


The name of Mount Lebanon originates from the Phoenician root

lbn (𐤋𐤁𐤍) meaning "white", apparently from its snow-capped peaks.


Occurrences of the name have been found in different Middle

Bronze Age texts from the library of Ebla,[31] and three of

the twelve tablets of the Epic of Gilgamesh. The name is

recorded in Ancient Egyptian as Rmnn (𓂋𓏠𓈖𓈖𓈉), where R stood

for Canaanite L.[32] The name occurs nearly 70 times in

tthe Hebrew Bible, as לְבָנוֹן.[


The Canaanites were the inhabitants of ancient Canaan,

a region that roughly corresponds to present-day Israel

and the Palestinian Territories, western Jordan, southern

and coastal Syria, Lebanon, and continued up to the southern

border of Turkey. They are believed to have been one of the

oldest civilizations in human history.


The Canaanites were the inhabitants of ancient Canaan, a

region that roughly corresponds to present-day Israel and

the Palestinian Territories, western Jordan, southern and

coastal Syria, Lebanon, and continued up to the southern

border of Turkey. They are believed to have been one of

the oldest civilizations in human history.


something for anons to 'chew' on, eh?

Anonymous ID: 0a45f3 July 19, 2023, 6:33 a.m. No.19205212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5240


you spelled organ harvesters wrong.

yes these sick fucks may play with their food, but lets be real and tell the whole truth.


planned parenthood

countries with forced abortions

blood donations/ international red cross

human trafficking


are a food supply chain. none of the harvestable materials are wasted- especially during times of scarcity.


for newfags:

did you know that both Ray Croc (Mc Donalds founder) and Walt Disney were underage, volunteer ambulance drivers for the Red Cross in WWI?



uh huh… who do (you) think is harvesting humans, other 'humans'? Nephilim. NWO. there is more going on than most care to acknowledge.


Anonymous ID: 0a45f3 July 19, 2023, 7:54 a.m. No.19205434   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The entire 2.5hr Tate Tucker interview is good. Andrew Tate is perhaps the most real truth speaker at his level of platform in the world in anons opinion.


Watch it for yourself.