When was your last win?
2.5 hours sleep! LET'S FUCKIN' GO!
What is phallic meat? The fuck? Who's doing stupid shit now?
What party favors did Barry bring in from Chicago again?
Today is a pedophile holiday…
National Hotdog Day
Such a shame…
Here's a thought, MuhCourtJooVaticanShill, an absolute retard remnant that like to IP hop, spam editorialized "digs" to mislead, spams like catalog regularly, got busted recently forgetting what device you were on and started posting MuhJoo alongside your Vatican bullshit, how about you never reply to me again, you waste of skin evil piece of shit? Filtered.
Dumb shills are dumb. You cannot stop what is coming.
Glorious panic. I think I'll just sit back and read some moar of Dune 3. Dune 2 was just a snack.