negativity that you express is
not just stupid but it tells us all about you.
who is your audience for this awful little stupid post?
you mock people who you do not understand.
what country are you from?
negativity that you express is
not just stupid but it tells us all about you.
who is your audience for this awful little stupid post?
you mock people who you do not understand.
what country are you from?
"you should be aware . . . "
who should be aware?
I am aware of constant repetition of discord and slander.
and you seem to be one of those who echo that.
just because you echo delusions in talking points for five years doesn't mean anyone else here agrees with your psychological operational conditioning.
by the way: I assume if I have a point of view that I don't know who or who does not agree with it.
this is not a group think here and just because someone is anon that does not mean that they agree with every parrot who squawks out hateful slander here, of which you seem to be one.
ah, I see that you, the one who only refers to the United STates with slur words, has IP hopped again, using a term that means something fowl in a Mediterranean language to say 'America'.
how cowardly of you.
by the way I figure you must be a college student who goes to a school without free speech and are trained in being a hater for the cause of . . . well you just don't know, do you?
you're a fowl insult comic persona and your 'inside joke' is all on you.
you are what is called a 'useful idiot' by the people who pet you and give you approval for being a vulgarian.
And now you go into a generic 'you people' tirade against the wind and rain.
If I'm wrong in my assumptions, then tell me why.
As for you : you are wrong in how you treat the people who respond to you in this venue and also for being here trashing people who you don't really know.
basically you're shadow boxing the delusions you harbor in your mind. You don't interact with people but with your delusions which you use a proxies for them.
there is no 'we' with anon in that regards.
stop trying to slander all of us as being like you pretend to be.
why would I read past your first Turret's Syndrome nominative?
my point is this:
people spam slander and hatred and then pretend that everyone else is just like that here.
that is more slander.
everything you said that is an insult to me is applied to you by anyone who would even read past your first vulgar slur against others.
PS: you diatribe shows you have a damaged way of interacting and it's unreadible.
I expect nothing from you now except for irrational screes filled with insults.
when you use slur words to describe nations you have to expect a blow back, slur-word-user to describe nations.
again, you're here trashing a country for nothing other than you have been trained to do it by those who pet you and approve of your insult comic, vulgarian ways.
when you trash a whole country, expect blow-back
no one cares, anon.
you have no credibility.
if you think you describe me, you describe yourself.
when you trash a whole country
expect blow back, one who can not post without an insult as part of the post.