Anonymous ID: 574bb4 July 19, 2023, 9:46 a.m. No.19205934   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Congestion pricing board holds first meeting to consider tolls


A group of business and labor bigwigs charged with setting tolls for the cityโ€™s just-approved congestion pricing program will meet for the first time today.



Tolls, eh? How are they gonny pull that off? WiFi w/Automatic Debit?


Muh slippery sloaps.

Anonymous ID: 574bb4 July 19, 2023, 10:33 a.m. No.19206166   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Song 1:

Mm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


He said that all must lend a hand

To make this country strong again

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


He said we must be fair today

Equal work means equal pay

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


He said that we must take a stand

To make sure everyone gets a chance

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


He said red, yellow, black or white

All are equal in his sight

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama



Mmm, mmm, mm

Barack Hussein Obama


Song 2:

Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!

For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say โ€œhooray!โ€


Hooray, Mr. President! Youโ€™re number one!

The first black American to lead this great nation!


Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans

To make this countryโ€™s economy number one again!


Hooray Mr. President, weโ€™re really proud of you!

And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!


So continue โ€”- Mr. President we know youโ€™ll do the trick

So hereโ€™s a hearty hipโ€โ€‹hooray โ€”-


Hip, hip hooray!

Hip, hip hooray!

Hip, hip hooray!