CMT were likely pressured into deleting the video not because of racism, but because it exposes the radical left's PARAMILITARY Antifa and BLM.
Tate exposed the Satanists, he isn't one of them. His entire message is a middle finger to the satanic pedo cult.
I think it's about time the world stops perceiving the deep state as imposing a 'double standard of justice', because they are not even interested in justice at all.
What is in fact happening is that CRIMINALS are controlling the DOJ and using state power to prevent their own prosecutions and imprisonment by going after those who speak the truth about their criminality.
Satanists = People who ~~believe in~~worshipSatan.
aka The Satanists.
nice try clown.
>Can't "worship" something one doesn't believe in.
Satanists do 'believe in' Satan, the 'thought' of Satan, they do worship Satan.
Christians do not, they worship God.
Nice projection.
>which god, the one of the jews, or the muslims or what
The One Source of it all.
'which God' falsely implies reality is as inherently split and divided as the self-alienated minds struggling with the dualist thoughts of infinity, of immortality and omniscience, with the empirical fact of the body being mortal and finite.
That inner self-alienated 'division' is then projected out into all reality, as if all reality is also logically structured as split and divided, with various gods ruling over each supposed silo or subset.
Mathematically and logically, 'God' is absolutely singular.
All Godly religions point to this same One Source. Just because different names are used to refer to it, it doesn't mean there multiple infinite all powerful omniscient creators, just like the fact that there are many words for the number "10" doesn't mean that there are multiple different number 10s.
>try to spin your words
nah no spinning here, that's just you reacting to your own attempt to spin words to promote the narrative of division within humanity to match your own inner self-alienation, and finding out that you're spinning words yourself.
like this statement:
>None of the abrahamic faiths worship God.
That's blatant 'spinning' of words right there.
inb4 'no it's not'
thanks for conceding and admitting you can't counter a single thing.
thanks for playing
>Humanity is divided
Humanity is not inherently divided, the self-alienation of division is projected into the world and trusting minds are led astray to give the optics of division (root conflict in the world is derived from the destruction unleashed when mortal finite people try to become gods).
>Religions themselves are divided
No, all God worshiping religions point to the same One Source.
>I stand by what i said
Ah the Goebbels 'keep repeating until true' tactic.
>NONE of the abrahamic cults worship god
False. All three worship God.
>they worship a mid management little bitch who has jealousy issues.
That's precisely what self-alienated Satanists projecting their own jealousy of not being an immortal omniscient God say.
>That is totally accurate, in before you say its not. faggot.
Inconsistencies are not accurate by definition you sniveling little bitch.
That is totally accurate, in before you say its not. faggot.
>even though Jesus himself said nope
Jesus didn't say 'Nope' to the fact that Jews and Christians worship the same God (dumbass Islam wasn't even a religion in 30AD, that religion arose after Muhammed the prophet's life, hundreds of years after Jesus was crucified).
Jesus was referring to those who worship the Devil as their God.
You're spewing disinfo because you can't cope with not being a God, so you attack God in a desperate attempt to 'transcend' the limits of your own mortal finite corporeal body.
You're suffering from pride.
>(dumbass,Islam wasn't even a religion in 30AD, that religion arose after Muhammed the prophet's life, hundreds of years after Jesus was crucified).
critical comma missed, didn't intend to say Islam is dumbass, but rather the dumbass shill.
>Sadly I know you are a retarded shill of a nigger and I hope you end up killing yourself on camera.
Seething on an Anonymous board and calling for Anon's death after getting your disinformation exposed isn't going to turn you into a god either.
The more you bring forth divisive hate, the more you only reveal your own self-alienated psychopathology of struggling with your mortal weak frail body while having thoughts you should have been a god.
ok satanist.
>That is not the Father of Christ that is as I said a mid management little faggot of a bitch that people seem to like to worship like he did something.
Now look who's jealous, kek
You're only saying God is 'mid management bitch' because you want to believe Satan is higher up the hierarchy and revealing himself in you, where you have the 'real' knowledge of a 'god of the Earth', while everyone else who isn't suffering from your self-alienated narcissistic personality disorder brainwashing are somehow the 'brainwashed'.
You can keep 'relabelling' and 'redefining' words all you want, you're only speaking about your own inability to cope with being a child of God with a finite life.
Yes, you're not a god.
No, that isn't a punishment, it's a gift.
If you can't cope with having a mortal finite body, that isn't Anon's problem, that's between you and the Creator.
repeating the same shit in red text screaming isn't going to turn you into a god either.
You're brainwashed.
everyone knows where these 'QAnon are violent extremist' memes are coming from
You're struggling, you're not having 'fun', you try to convince yourself of what you're not, as such is the M.O. of your epistemology.
>I don't believe satan is anything more than an advisory
You mean lower than a middle management bitch?
>so how about you keep your thoughts about me to what I say and not what you imagine you fucking retard.
Oh right, only YOU are allowed to 'write thoughts about Anon to what Anon says' and imagine what Anon's thoughts are. kek
>I can say you are a nigger and a retard and a faggot because you have demonstrated that over and over.
Nah, that's just you struggling to form an intelligent coherent sentence, but you can't, so you merely seethe as a replacement.
>Not redefining anything unlike the modern translations of the bible that have assigned meaning to words that have none and no one actually knows what they mean.
Already said inb4 'no I'm not', so kek to that too. You are indeed redefining words when you assert "Abrahamic religions do not worship God". Either you're redefining Abrahamic religions, or God, or both.
>You believe in a created story not the creators story.
That's you projecting your own psychology of having a monopoly on the 'creator's story'. You see the Bible and you seethe with resentment that you didn't create the Universe.
You welcome division and destruction of the world because you can create no world.
>I can again prove that again by your despearate clinging to saying all religions are the same, again that is a lie.
No, it is the truth, you're lying. Whatever you imagine Anon to be thinking, cannot possible serve as 'proof' of any of your claims about reality.
"Negating the negation" isn't a path to truth.
>I know you are the evil one who is filled with horrors beyond belief because of the very reason you project the opposite.
Now that's what I call a projection!
>You are desperate
>to protect your cults and from people questioning
>nly so far because if people question too much your powers end because your faggot of a god will be shown to be just a mid management nigger who just happens to be a diversity hire.
And that's why your cult targets children isn't it, so that you can brainwash them into believing in Satan too.
>Any faith that puts itself above another is what contributes to division and to call for instance one group chosen seems pretty damn cult like.
That's precisely what you're doing.
It's projection all the way down for the satanists, isn't it Anons?
Look in the mirror, you'll see the answer to your question, kek
> can again prove that again by your despearate clinging to saying all religions are the same, again that is a lie.
Anon didnlt say 'all religions are the same', Anon said all God worshiping religions point to the same One Source, which is true.
Coincidence the muhjoo shills on QR preach a pattern identical as Harari?
Over 20 shell companies
"I'm going to reference an unjust persecution of whistleblowers as evidence the GOP's case isn't credible"
That's what they want you to believe to stay asleep.
>>19206096 ← panicking satanist
If it weren't true, we'd be dead in WW3
How much longer is this lying POS's script?
'they' were planning on a NUCLEAR ww3.
Today's war is 5th Gen, and good guys are winning.
>>19206112 ← Panicking satanist trying to protect pedophiles with muhjoo human shields.