General Mike Flynn
Everyone needs to pay close attention to @KanekoaTheGreat
right now. This thread and the strategy we’re starting to see the left play out is from a playbook they’ve used before.
They are putting their cards on the table going after electors (AZ & MI so far)…other states will pop up.
This timed very precisely with the latest indictment is meant to add pressure and provide their fake news media cohorts multiple opportunity to spew hatred and divisiveness.
If we have a rule of law remaining, it may require the US Supreme Court to weigh into this mess eventually, but even then, the question remains, will the left adhere to the law?
THREAD: In 2016, Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, and corporate news outlets urged electors to vote against President-elect Donald Trump.
Lawrence Lessig's article in The Washington Post on November 26, 2016, argued that Republican electors had the constitutional right and duty to switch their votes from Trump to Hillary Clinton.
This sparked a movement supported by figures like Michael Moore, John Podesta, Keith Olbermann, Rosie O'Donnell, and several Hollywood celebrities.
While they only convinced a few electors, it's important to recognize the double standard of justice in the treatment of Democrats and Republicans when objecting to elections.