Anon view is that the medical establishment is a primary part of the "Baal" system in the US. When it became okay to sacrifice the preborn in abortion, it paved the way for the infiltration of the medical field to serve satan. If a child in his mother's womb can be sacrificed and his body parts sold then who is safe from exploitation, ritual abuse and murder?
Vaccine visits to "doctors" (priests of Baal in anon view) are to condition the parents and the child for various types of occult/cult rituals. Vaccine visit are SRA "lite" in anon view. Restraint, injection of poison and the pain of stab injuries introduce ritualized trauma and physical violation from "caregivers". The fact that the parents must be complicit or else face state action makes both parents and children nothing more than slaves and cattle.
The idea behind coerced gender dysphoria followed by gender destroying procedures allows the state sponsored ritual abuse to proceed without family interference. A confiscated child which undergoes a gender changing procedure might not even be recognizable by family at a later point.