Anonymous ID: 290b7e July 19, 2023, 2:03 p.m. No.19207584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7601 >>7646 >>7655


'Sacred Geometry' / predictive programming i.e. inbreeding = soulless/electricity powered actor / (a.i.) reptile from (((inbreeding))) / satan = as evil as possible as how a lightning strike can kill you.



What Is A Fractal Antenna And How Does It Work?


Avani Mehta


A fractal antenna is an antenna that employs or utilizes a fractal design which is approximately or exactly similar to a component of itself, with an aim to increase the efficacious boundary length or perimeter of the material that can accept as well as channelize electromagnetic radiation within a provided area or volume. In mathematics, fractals are an abstract object which is used to display patterns expanding at a small scale. They are also known as expanding or evolving symmetry.