I am so fucking high.
Does anyone want to join me toilet-papering the White House?
I know it's a huge sin and crime but I just can't help myself.
I am so fucking high.
Does anyone want to join me toilet-papering the White House?
I know it's a huge sin and crime but I just can't help myself.
Jewish hands posted this.
Surely it's just a (((coincident))) that Q rhythms with Jew.
Reported to the ADL.
After responding to him 6 times you finally decide to filter him during your 7th post?
>The Kike can't even answer a simple question
I'm informing ACT-IL about you.
The West and whites will die before myself.
All what you can do is post cringe. You wont do shit at all. Your white women will becomes slaves to niggers and your white men will become fat cucks before it all crumbles.
Poor little Goyim is so triggered he had to post twice to the same comment.
Proof that whites are subhuman and Jews are the best.
Hi! I'm Mr. Frundles!
Hi! I'm Mr. Frundles!
Hi! I'm Mr. Frundles!