Anonymous ID: ca0376 July 19, 2023, 4:20 p.m. No.19208555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8747

Rep. Eric Burlison On The Congressional Hearings: “We Need To Do More”. It’s outrageous that Lesly Snipes got three years in jail for the same thing that Hunter has done. We need more high power attorneys and use Holman Rule to cut off the salary of corrupt heads of Agenciesthe congressional committees don’t want to do this. These leaders are cowards and owned!

6:41 minutes

Anonymous ID: ca0376 July 19, 2023, 4:23 p.m. No.19208573   🗄️.is 🔗kun

7 hours ago

Mark Mitchell: Public Thinks Congress Isn’t Listening To The American People. New Poll, failing trust in the institutionsfantastic results!

7:40 minutes

Anonymous ID: ca0376 July 19, 2023, 4:29 p.m. No.19208607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8617 >>8747

19 Jul, 2023 17:57

US halts funding to Wuhan lab

The Chinese facility has been at the center of claims that it was the source of Covid-19, despite a lack of proof


(I don’t believe a word of this, they are rerouting the money somehow.)


The US Department of Health and Human Services has suspended all funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology with an eye toward permanently defunding the lab, a HHS spokesperson confirmed on Tuesday. The facility has been accused by many in Washington of unleashing Covid-19 on the world, despite a lack of proof thereof.


The move is aimed at ensuring the institute “does not receive another dollar of federal funding,” the spokesperson said in a statement, citing the lab’s alleged failure to provide information requested by the National Institutes of Health relating to issues of compliance with US biosafety protocols.


Suspending the institute’s funding was “necessary to mitigate any potential public health risk,” a HHS official wrote in the agency’s memo regarding the funding cut.


The institute was notified on Monday of the suspension, which will make it ineligible for future federal grants and contracts, and prohibits it from conducting any business with the US. A ten-month investigation by the HHS found thelab was “not compliant with federal regulations and is not presently responsible.”


The institute has received no money from the NIH since July 2020,according to the HHS. It has not issued a public response but may contest the suspension and debarment. Beijing has repeatedly denied the facility was the source of the Covid-19 outbreak.


House Republicans, many of whom believe the lab’s research on bat coronaviruses was the source of Covid-19, excoriated the Biden administration for dragging its feet on the decision. Congress had voted to ban further funding to the institute last July.


“They deserve no credit for finally doing what the evidence and facts demanded. It is outrageous that it took them so long.HHS must now consider a similar debarment for EcoHealth Alliance,” House Energy and Commerce Committee chair Cathy McMorris told reporters on Wednesday.


EcoHealth Alliance partnered with the Wuhan lab to conduct controversial “gain-of-function” research into making bat coronaviruses more infectious – research that was at the time illegal in the US. It then attempted to conceal the nature of that research from the public, though its president, Peter Daszak, has denied the research in question constituted gain-of-function or posed a danger to humans.


Congressional Republicans concluded in an October report that “substantial evidence” pointed to a lab leak at the Wuhan facility as the source of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for Covid-19. A US intelligence report released last month merely alluded to safety issues with the lab while acknowledging there was no evidence to suggest it was the source of the virus.

Anonymous ID: ca0376 July 19, 2023, 4:33 p.m. No.19208633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8639 >>8657 >>8747

19 Jul, 2023 17:58

Russia launches massive missile strikes on Ukraine

Moscow has ramped up long-range strikes against the country in the aftermath of a Ukrainian attack on the Crimean Bridge


Russia launched a massive cruise missile and suicide-drone barrage on targets in Ukraine overnight, the country’s Defense Ministry said on Wednesday.Military infrastructure, fuel depots, weapon stockpiles, and an airbase were among the targets identifiedby the Russian military in its daily briefing.


It said a group strike had been conducted using “high-precision sea- and air-launched weapons,” which struck “military industry facilities, fuel infrastructure, and ammunition depots” near the city of Odessa, as well asUkraine’s Kanatovo air base in Kirovohrad Region. All the designated targets were successfully hit and the objectives of the strikes were achieved, it added.


Footage circulating online shows massive explosions in the vicinity of Odessa, including at its Black Sea ports. Ukrainian officials have claimed the strikes also inflicted damage on civilian infrastructure, with the city’s mayor, Gennadiy Trukhanov, saying the attack was the largest since the beginning of hostilities. He described last night in the city as “terrible.”


A grain terminal at a port near Odessa was damaged in the strikes, but it was not immediately clear what exactly struck the installation, particularly given the recent history of Ukraine’s own air-defense units inflicting damage on civilian infrastructure in the country, and even abroad.


The port town of Chernomorsk, located some 20km south of Odessa, experienced particularly heavy destruction overnight, according to Ukrainian Agriculture Minister Nikolay Solskiy.Some 60 tons of grain were destroyed there, while damage to the port will take around a year to repair, he claimed.


The ramped-up long-range attacks come after Russia withdrew from the so-called Black Sea grain deal, which was agreed in July 2022. The initiative, facilitated by the UN and Türkiye, lifted the naval blockade on Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, facilitating its grain exports. None of the promises made to Russia under the deal, such as lifting sanctions and enabling its grain and fertilizer exports, have ever been fulfilled.


The termination of the deal coincided with a new Ukrainian attack on the strategic Crimean Bridge. The blast killed a Russian civilian couple and seriously injured their 14-year-old daughter. The incident was described by top Russian officials as a “terrorist attack,” with President Vladimir Putin vowing to retaliate.

Anonymous ID: ca0376 July 19, 2023, 4:39 p.m. No.19208665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8698 >>8706 >>8747

19 Jul, 2023 21:03

US responds to Russia's Black Sea alert

Moscow earlier warned that all ships in the Black Sea headed for Ukrainian ports would be treated as military


The US has no plans to assist ships in entering Ukrainian ports, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed on Wednesday, responding to a reporter’s question about the Russian Ministry of Defense’s warning that all ships headed for Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea would be considered military targets.


Washington will “continue to support Ukraine’s effort to get Ukrainian grain to the markets,” Jean-Pierre said, mentioning a $250 million aid package along with seeds, fertilizer, and help with crop storage and processing.


However, when asked how the US planned to “shore up [Ukraine’s] naval capabilities,” she offered only a vague pledge to “make sure they have what they need to defend themselves.”


Port and harbor security equipment was included in the $1.3 billion military aid package announced by the Pentagon on Wednesday. Ukraine will also receive National Advanced Surface to Air Missile Systems, Phoenix Ghost and Switchblade drones, additional artillery rounds and mine clearing equipment, counter-drone and electronic warfare detection equipment, and precision aerial munitions in the latest package, which brings the total amount of military aid supplied by the US since Russia’s military operation began in 2022 to $42.6 billion.


Jean-Pierre’s comments confirmed those of National Security Council spokesmanJohn Kirby, who earlier this week ruled out using US military assets to protect shipments of grain in and out of Ukrainian ports. Instead, the US will “work with other countries” to ensure the grain gets where it needs to go, he said.


Russia withdrew from the Black Sea Grain Initiative on Monday, complaining the US had failed to keep its promises to lift some of the restrictions imposed in the wake of its military operation in Ukraine, including reconnecting its banks to SWIFT, opening an ammonia pipeline to Italy, permitting the import of agricultural machinery and parts, and unblocking transportation insurance and other logistics.


The Kremlin also condemned what it described as a “terror attack” by Ukrainian drones targeting the Crimean bridge, which killed a couple in their vehicle and severely injured their child, but denied it was a factor in the decision to exit the grain deal.


Going forward, all ships traveling to Ukrainian ports “will be considered potential carriers of military cargo,” and the flags of such ships will be seen to be “taking part in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the Kiev regime,” Russia’s Defense Ministry warned on Wednesday.


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on Tuesday called on the UN and Türkiye to revive the grain deal without Russia, insisting “everything must be done so we can use this Black Sea corridor.” (Turkey ain’t going along with this!)

Anonymous ID: ca0376 July 19, 2023, 4:48 p.m. No.19208700   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(Some pretty historic statements from Lavrov, reminds me of someone else we know)

19 Jul, 2023 20:15

Russia will ‘never abandon’ goals of military operation – Lavrov

Unlike the West, Russians know what they’re fighting for, the foreign minister has said


Russia’s objectives in Ukraine are non-negotiable and existential, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov explained on Wednesday at an annual meeting with domestic non-governmental organizations and nonprofits.


“We can’t and won’t ever give up the goals that were announced as part of the special military operation,” Lavrov said, adding thatMoscow had warned for years against setting up Ukraine as a direct military threat on Russia’s doorstep. “There were plans to create military bases on the Sea of Azov and in Crimea. The regime that had proven its neo-Nazi essence more than once was constantly encouraged to exterminate everything Russian: culture, education, the media, and the Russians themselves, in those lands where their glorious ancestors lived and built cities for centuries.”


The West can spend their days debating the effectiveness of Ukraine’s “offensive,” how far along their goal of “liberating their territory up to 1991 borders” is and how Russia is thwarting that, Lavrov added.


We know what we are fighting for.


While debunking the claims of the Western propaganda machine may look like a Sisyphean labor, the world is already changing, Lavrov told the conference.


“We see the growth of self-awareness, a sense of one’s own identity and the desire to defend it, in the countries of Eurasia, in the Asia-Pacific region, in the Middle East, in Africa, in Latin America. The process of forming a multipolar world is unstoppable,” he said.


“This must be acknowledged. I understand that it is difficult for the West to do so,” he added. “But if they want to artificially slow down the objective historical process, then it only raises the price humanity – including the West – will pay for justice.”


Russia’s top diplomat pointed out that there is no democracy within NATO, only peer pressure under the mask of unanimity. The EU has likewise abandoned consensus and seeks to coerce members such as Hungary and Poland, who object to the trampling of national values and traditions.


“There are no such ‘rules’ in associations where we participate and which we develop as priorities,” Lavrov noted, specifically naming the CSTO, the Eurasian Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS, among others.

Anonymous ID: ca0376 July 19, 2023, 4:57 p.m. No.19208738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8747

19 Jul, 2023 04:18

US to send VAMPIREs to Ukraine – Reuters

The platform is designed to take out drones and other low-flying aircraft


US officials are set to announce another $1.3 billion arms package for Ukraine, including multiple types of suicide drones and the newly developed VAMPIRE rocket launcher system, according to Reuters.


The latest military assistance will be unveiled sometime this week, the outlet reported on Tuesday, citing two US officials. Kiev will receive ammunition, radar and other counter-drone systems in addition to the VAMPIRE – or Vehicle-Agnostic Modular Palletized ISR Rocket Equipment.


Produced by US arms contractor L3Harris, the VAMPIRE can be mounted on most vehicles with a cargo bed, including civilian pickup trucks, or installed in a fixed position. The weapon consists of a targeting sensor and a launch pod equipped with four 70mm laser-guided rockets, and can be used by a single operator against both air and ground targets.


While L3Harris says the system is “configurable with different sensors and weapons packages,” it remains unclear which variant will be provided to Kiev.


The upcoming weapons package will also include two types of loitering munitions – drones equipped with explosives which orbit the battlefield in search of a target – the Phoenix Ghost and the Switchblade. Both UAVs have been sent to Ukraine in the past, with nearly 600 Phoenix Ghosts supplied in a $95 million arms shipment last year.


The VAMPIRE was initially announced for Kiev last August, with L3Harris later confirming it had received a $40 million Pentagon contractto deliver four systems by mid-2023 and 10 more by the end of the year. The company will install the kits on vehicles which will then be sent on to Ukraine.


The $1.3 billion in military aid will come from the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) program, under which the White House has purchased weapons from industry rather than drawing on US stockpiles. Since the conflict with Russia erupted last year,President Joe Biden has authorized $41.3 billion in direct arms transfers to Kiev, and more than $10 billion under the USAI.

Anonymous ID: ca0376 July 19, 2023, 5:07 p.m. No.19208809   🗄️.is 🔗kun

18 Jul, 2023 22:11

US Covid-19 deaths overcounted by nearly a third – NYT

The newspaper has long defended the official pandemic statistics, even suggesting the death count was low


Nearly a third of US deaths ascribed to Covid-19 were actually caused by something else, the New York Times admitted on Monday, citing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


“The official number [of Covid-19 deaths] is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had [the] virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death,” the Times article read, explaining that both CDC data and a study in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases support the claim that “almost one third of official recent Covid deaths have fallen into this category.”


Titled 'A positive Covid milestone', it claims all-cause mortality in the US has returned to its pre-pandemic baseline. All-cause mortality hovered around 30% higher than normal during the worst of the pandemic, according to the outlet – a figure which sounds less scary when accompanied by anadmission that Covid deaths were overcounted by about 30% to begin with.


The admission contradicts years of insistence from the Times, other prominent US news outlets, fact-checkers, and chief medical adviserAnthony Fauci himself that any questioning of the official death toll was mere “conspiracy theory” spawned by baseless rumors on social media and disinfo-spewing right-wing pundits.


The Times pounced on then-president Donald Trump in 2020 when he suggested that the number of pandemic deaths was “lower than”the official figure, claiming “most statisticians and public health experts say he is wrong” and arguing the number was in fact “far higher”than recorded.


Fauci in particular found unconscionable the suggestion that the death toll was being artificially padded, telling NBC in 2020 that “there is absolutely no evidence that that’s the case at all.” Meanwhile, motorcycle crash victims, gunshot victims, and other unrelated deaths were found to have been added to the total.


The CDC even suggested at the time that the figure represented an undercount of the true number, despite having encouraged doctors to list Covid-19 as cause of death even in some cases where the patient had not been tested for the virus.


Italy recalculated its own Covid-19 mortality figures in 2021, revealing that just 2.9% of pandemic deaths could be exclusively attributed to the virus. The remainder had at least one chronic disease, often several – though fact-checkers were quick to counter any claims that these comorbidities, not the virus, were responsible for the patients' demise.


Washington Post columnist and vociferous lockdown advocate Leana Wen admitted in January that the “medical community” was “overcounting Covid deaths and hospitalizations,” citingtwo infectious disease experts who told her the figures for hospitalized Covid-19 patients were overstated by as much as 90%.


(I literally hate all the assholes that propped up this lie, they are personally responsible for 30%-65% of the population who chose the vaccine out of fear mongering. May they all be damned to hell by God Almighty!)