Evening frens! It's day 2086 since I started lurking on /qresearch/. Still comfy AF!
Looks like a Kartrashian.
About 1982 while delivering newspapers in high school.
I don't know about you fags in GB but here in 'Murica we're gonna get our Republic back from you fuckers (no offense) with a side of gold backed currency. Some say it will habben in two weeks but I think it will take longer.
I used to live in the UK and encouraged many a dissatisfied Brit to go to Mexico back in the early 90's and walk across the border but none had the cajones.
Unironically, I now work for a British based company here in the USA so I still get to hear Brits bitching about how bad it sucks in the UK. My British boss was just here bitching about how her mortgage went up 1000 quid in the last three months. Why she has a variable rate mortgage in this environment is beyond me but she's not happy.
What about yer? Is yer acceptable?
That reminds me, I gotta go readNOTABLES.
Well, not much interdasting stuffs in theNOTABLESbut still better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
Those that were dumb enough to give them up.
I started on the chans with Pizzagate. I feel no need to see SOF. I know too much about this shit already.
I know.