They're so broken all even their spam is depressed.
The bots mean they're winning, right?
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Your brian. Have you tried turning it off and on again if you can't stop thinking about something?
Derp a derp
The shills are depressed. Their hearts aren't in it tonight.
TrANTIFA goblin.
The poor bastards. I wonder what they're going to recycle tomorrow and fail with. One thing's for sure though, they'll be whining. As sure as the sun rises.
>Have you noticed that the same personalities come here and bicker almost everyday?
I slap 'em around most days. It passes the time. Some days I ignore them, but I enjoy using them as chew toys.
Yeah, I was reading about that shooting in another tab right now actually. False flag or unscripted event? Not sure yet.
I am not going to watch Sound of Freedom until the justice starts. Kind of want to be the guy that other people look strangely at and say, "The fuck you mean you haven't seen it?"
If you can't open your goddamn mouth without making a racial accusation of some kind then don't bother replying to me, you sniveling piece of shit. Fuck off. Filtered.
I see the piece of shit replied, but I can't hear him. Ah, the wonders of filtering and silencing the shit before it even gets to you. I'm going to guess and say he made another racial accusation of some kind, most likely accusing me of being Jewish or something along those lines. Predictable script is predictable.
I didn't watch Road House for the first time until about a month ago or so. I've gotten a lot of "What do you mean you've never seen Road House?" over the past three decades.
Entertaining film. Cheesy, though entertaining. But yeah, I think I've decided that I will definitely wait for the justice to start before I watch Sound of Freedom. It will be my way of rewarding myself for my time spent here.