Anybody seen this vid?
Carlos Slim is the financier of SoF.
This dude made a second vid cause errbody gave him shit in the Comments. kek
2nd vid:
I made a Mistake re: "SOUND OF FREEDOM" and O U R
Anybody seen this vid?
Carlos Slim is the financier of SoF.
This dude made a second vid cause errbody gave him shit in the Comments. kek
2nd vid:
I made a Mistake re: "SOUND OF FREEDOM" and O U R
>>19210611 (me)
>Anybody seen this vid?
This is Carlos slim the financial backer of “sound of freedom.”
I don’t hate the movie btw. I’m obviously not gonna watch it because I’m a dad and child abduction porn is deeply disturbing.
But I am going to mock the current marketing push that if you don’t watch this movie you’re a pedo or you support pedos. Super manipulative.
So it’s anti government anti Hollywood anti pedo but it’s starring a Roman Catholic Hollywood actor about a DHS agent funded by a Mexican billionaire. Got it.
Guys I know you think flouride is good for your smile but it isn’t something to mess around with
nice, anon. straight from that vid. ty
>I am not going to watch Sound of Freedom until the justice starts.