>>1921076 lb
So its the culture of Islam that is the problem?
Remove that like Syria?
If Islam is removed, it should be the people
of the land united, that remove the
offending culture. For foreigners to do it,
it will never look good.
>>1921076 lb
So its the culture of Islam that is the problem?
Remove that like Syria?
If Islam is removed, it should be the people
of the land united, that remove the
offending culture. For foreigners to do it,
it will never look good.
that land is far away, can't know for sure who
is good and bad? Or why? We depend on
our leaders to keep us informed, but America
is finding out our leaders were bad people
for a long time, and nothing is what it seems.
People have to wake up to the truth, before
they unite. The lies will keep them separated.
Understood, the people seem to be no hope of
becoming good again.
The people that live there know better than
people across the ocean. It would be best
if the people of that land to decide if Islam is
good for them or not and why. True for
America too, up to USALL to decide how
to trust, follow, remove, expose, vote for.
If we do our part with r_search and
Q uestions, we can improve greatly.
wow, this stuff gets realer and realer.
Decisions and opinions become harder.
i have a feeling that's not the right way to
change hearts and minds,
slave/torture camps (Chinese).
Understood, hard to treat them nice, after
their deeds, seems like no changing.
China's way might create more hate and
not succeed in real change.
Hidden hate for treatment.
More devotion to beliefs.
In the mean time promote, respect,
consideration, compassion, empathy, equality,
protection, rights, education, justice, as difficult as it may be.
>we want it known to everyone!
That's where we loud-mouth deplorables
come in. Tell the world. Be the cannon.