TIME bandits
none of them can stop'a tha TIME
The bandits stole the MAP, they use this map to travel in space and time. It was 'given' to them by the Supreme Being.
They "don't know the supreme being that well, they only work for him."
This seems odd, as they declare they are international criminals who perform robberies all of the world and all through history.
The Evil One 'surveils' that they have the map, so he plots to get it from the bandits.
map -- executive powers and state secrets, the full informational powers of the executive office
bandits -- deep state groups / agencies / top secret groups like majestic 12 / maybe they are supposed to be 'the international jew'/FED in conjunction with state entities
Supreme Being -- POTUS with his powers (Kennedy didn't 'have the map', admirals and generals not following POTUS orders as in Panama, 'didn't have the map')
Evil One -- not a mere thief or hoarder, but something more directly evil.
--Cabal Satanists with goals of world conquest, Rothschild pieces of shit
Evil One is delusional 'why have I allowed the supreme one keep me in my fortress of darkness?'
--The cabal think of themselves as powerful, but they must hide in NK fortress of darkness, Vatican fortress of darkness, etc.
Evil One 'reads minds' and sees/surveils the bandits.
The Supreme Being when finally re-equipped with the map easily disposes of the Evil One, and reverses many of his actions.
A rectangular pillar of stone used by Evil One to kill a bandit is lifted off of bandit who springs to life
--"911" forgiveness of the 'bandits' as all is set right by POTUS