>>19215584 (lb)
night shift
hey faggot …
this anon replying is a Jew
and I have had nothing to do with vaccines, lockdowns, or overlords
get a new schpeil
not worried about race, color, creed, or religion you bonehead
actions speak louder than words
twas just a minute or thrice
because your meritless opinion means zilch?
anon is responding to your sperg you simple minded faggot
anon would rather follow shit fly to a pile a horse manure
they're going to need moar indictments and arrests
Israel, in some contexts of the bible, refers to followers, not just a tangible place
anon cannot help it but to bring your idiocy to reality
your words in print on this board are meaningless and full of bluster
O O >>19215780
o >approx 17 minutes
all these butt pics are becoming asinine
anon prefers shiptoasting that bursts the sides asunder
>Glad doesn't care if the cameras are rolling
what in tarnation?
if you gonna try to make a point, at least get the words right
the mystery of Babylon
seems there are a few extra smooth brained anons this hour
unnecessary drivel
▶ Anonymous 07/21/23 (Fri) 04:06:18 c15ee1 No.19216066
▶ Anonymous 07/21/23 (Fri) 04:06:32 c15ee1 No.19216067
▶ Anonymous 07/21/23 (Fri) 04:06:52 c15ee1 No.19216068
it will help