Demonic jewess, if there ever was one.
Today's hearing shows the depravity of the jew, their boomer minions, and niggers, in general
Demonic jewess, if there ever was one.
Today's hearing shows the depravity of the jew, their boomer minions, and niggers, in general
Let us lance this boil on the ass of progress right here, and right now.
Trump knew that if he did not push the VAXX when he did, we would still be in lockdown, and would be begging for the CBDC, UBI, and other jewish control. By forcing their hand, he forced them to put out the vaxx much sooner to open up the economy and prevent our JEWISH OVERLORDS from enacting their plan on their timetable.
Now, we can all see the detrimental effects of the JEWISH BIOWEAPON.
Had Trump not pushed this we would be in a worse state of affairs than we are.
The Vaxx was coming come hell or high water, and Trump forced their hand, thus exposing their JEWISH NEW WORLD ORDER.
THiNK, THINK, THINK for once in your life.
Yes. He did. He talked about alternatives, and other stuff.
He is not the enemy. He probably saved hundreds of millions of lives, world wide.
Hey jew, if what you say is true, you may want to research your tribe, and then convert to another religion stupid.
>why does jim allow you two to spam bullshit 24/7?
Because Boomer-jim is a jew loving boomer dolt?
You are following me, dipshit. THINK IT THROUGH YOU STUPID JEW.
You didn't filter me you stupid cunt.
You know it.
I know it.
The board knows it.
And in spite of your protestations, you respond to me, you stupid jew.