Genetic Based Weapons must be Addressed, just because YOU AND I don't have scrupals to do it don't mean others don't.
I see lots of CLOSED minds out there like Karl Denninger.
karma is a bitch. karma is a bitch.
when you don't pay attention to what people who are right say, karma is a bitch. You end up having problems. Because now that it hits you, you're effected, the cognitive dissonance isn't there anymore.
Both the Vaccine and the Virus had problems that can cause these situations in people. America is not paying attention. There's still a huge part of society that thinks it's all the Vaccine, and not the virus. That's the point it doesn't have to be DEADLYโฆ all it has to be is GOOD ENOUGH to cause cancer, or heart disease, or dimentia.. Everyone focused on the accute, because we are button push generation. What if the De-bounce timing was a week, or 27 days or few years. They would think the button was broken and they would continue to POO POO it all. Meanwhile the situation get's worse.
Now they are sick they see how I said it would happen.