Anonymous ID: affe9b July 21, 2023, 5:33 a.m. No.19216519   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trial Date Set in Landmark Lawsuit on Medical Killing and Informed Consent


FREEDOM, WISCONSIN, USA, July 18, 2023/ – A standing-room only crowd packed the Outagamie County Circuit Courthouse in Appleton, WI last Friday for a make-or-break hearing on the fate of a bellwether case with national, and increasingly political, ramifications. At stake was an issue of life or death: should healthcare workers have the right to unilaterally, and with limited liability, label patients as “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR), effectively killing them under the pretense of “Standards of Care” protocols?


The nationally-watched wrongful death suit, Schara v. Ascension Health et al. (Case Number 2023CV000345), alleges that Appleton’s Ascension St. Elizabeth Hospital bears responsibility for the death of the plaintiff’s daughter, Grace Schara—a 19-year-old with Down syndrome—who was killed on October 13, 2021 after medical personnel fraudulently labeled her as a DNR patient, administered a combination of lethal and unnecessary drugs, and then refused the pleas of the patient’s family to perform life-saving measures such as CPR.


The lawsuit names Ascension Health, five medical doctors, four John Doe medical providers, two registered nurses, and the WI Injured Patients and Family Compensation Fund as defendants.


A critical moment in the case, Friday’s hearing saw the defense motion to dismiss the wrongful death charges, arguing that the plaintiff’s claim should be subsumed under medical malpractice—so as to best limit their liability. The defense also motioned to dismiss Schara’s request for a declaratory judgement regarding the illegal DNR, arguing that “the issue is moot, because Grace Schara, the subject of the order, is deceased.”


As more than 100 supporters of the Schara family watched from the crowded courtroom, Judge Mark J. McGinnis granted neither motion—instead electing to set a fast-track date for a three week jury trial. Schara v. Ascension Health et al. will begin trial on November 4th, 2024, just one day before the 2024 Presidential Election.


“This bellwether case is about something much bigger than mere malpractice, and its impact will reverberate nationally,” says Scott Schara, the plaintiff and father of the disabled teenager killed by the defendants. “Our goal is simple: save lives. That’s why this case is first about the lack of informed consent—a battery—leading to negligence and malpractice, which then resulted in wrongful death. Moreover, this case is about protecting the public from doctors unilaterally placing DNR orders on patients. If we would have had informed consent, Grace would be with us today.”


Before the COVID era, medical malpractice was America’s third leading cause of death; during the COVID era, malpractice has skyrocketed to the nation’s number one cause of death, outpacing even heart disease and cancer.


“The defense doesn’t even bother to hide their cowardly motive,” says OVERTON & ASSOCIATES Founder Andrew Lohse. “Their motion to dismiss cited the Wisconsin Legislature’s statutory ‘scheme’—their word—to limit liability for doctors so as to attract unaccountable healthcare conglomerates to the state. This dangerous ‘scheme’ openly targets citizens with medical murder, and then actively denies them justice when murder takes place. Once awoken to this chilling reality, all Americans will reject it and join our movement for accountability.”


Schara adds, “when a gunman shoots to kill on a city street, he is locked up until his court date. But when a medical worker takes a life through supposed ‘malpractice,’ she is permitted to continue the same dangerous behavior—with the protection of a warped legal system that denies justice for victims. Do corporate hospitals believe they have the right to play God?”


As intense national debate continues to heat up around the existential issues of informed consent, medical malfeasance, deceptive pharmaceutical marketing, and involuntary euthanasia targeting the elderly and disabled, the eyes of America will no doubt increasingly turn to the small township of Freedom, WI—population 6,200—where a David vs. Goliath effort to spotlight these crimes and save lives has coalesced into a national movement.


The blockbuster three week jury trial for Schara v. Ascension et al. is set to begin on Monday, November 4th, 2024. On the trial’s second day, Americans will head to the polls to cast their vote for our next president—in a campaign that is already increasingly defined by key issues of medical freedom.


For more information about the landmark lawsuit Scott Schara v. Ascension Health et al. and Scott Schara’s media availability, please contact Andrew Lohse at

Anonymous ID: affe9b July 21, 2023, 5:35 a.m. No.19216524   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Stanford DEI dean resigns after protesting Trump-appointed judge


"Tirien Steinbach has decided that she will be leaving her role as Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Stanford Law School."


Stanford DEI dean resigns after protesting Trump-appointed judge

On Thursday, Stanford Law School announced that Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tirien Steinbach is leaving the school to "pursue another opportunity" after she fueled protests against Trump-appointed Fifth Circuit Appellate Judge Kyle Duncan in March.


An email to students, obtained by the Daily Mail, from Stanford Law School Dean Jenny Martinez said, "I write to share that Tirien Steinbach has decided that she will be leaving her role as Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Stanford Law School to pursue another opportunity."


Referencing the March event Martinez said, "Associate Dean Steinbach and I both hope that SLS can move forward as a community from the divisions caused by the March 9 event." She continued, "The event presented significant challenges for the administration, the students, and the entire law school community."


"As I previously noted, tempers flared along multiple dimensions," Martinez added. "Although Associate Dean Steinbach intended to de-escalate the tense situation when she spoke at the March 9 event, she recognizes that the impact of her statements was not the as she hoped or intended."


"Both Dean Steinbach and Stanford recognize ways they could have done better in addressing the very challenging situation, including preparing for protests, ensuring university protocols are understood, and helping administrators navigate tensions when they arise. There are opportunities for growth and learning all around," she concluded.


Steinbach had been on leave from the university since March 22 after she was at the center of a controversy involving protestors shouting down Judge Duncan's speech hosted by the school's Federalist Society. Almost 100 students stormed the room where Duncan was speaking, heckling and shouting obscenities at him.


Duncan, taken aback by their behavior, looked to Steinbach to help calm things down. Instead, she issued a six-minute speech about same-sex marriage, trans rights, and reproductive rights.


Some students called for her to be fired then, saying she was at the center of the chaos, not the student protesters.


In a statement announcing Steinbach's leave of absence, Martinez said in the future "The role of any administrators present will be to ensure that university rules on disruption of events will be followed, and all staff will receive additional training in that regard." She added that administrators "should not insert themselves into debate with their own criticism of the speaker's views."


Martinez apologized to Judge Duncan, and required all students to take part in a "mandatory education programming" on "free speech and norms of the legal profession," and how "vulgar personal insults" can harm students' "professional reputations."

Anonymous ID: affe9b July 21, 2023, 5:37 a.m. No.19216533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6539 >>6645 >>6933 >>7084 >>7092 >>7162


Dr. Simon Goddek


This is the same woman who tried to silence RFK today, asserts that Russia interfered in the US elections, and still claims the 'vaccines' are safe and effective. It's consequently no surprise that


met with Epstein several times.

Anonymous ID: affe9b July 21, 2023, 5:39 a.m. No.19216539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6540 >>6645 >>6646 >>6933 >>7084 >>7162


How Jeffrey Epstein Helped a Rising Democratic Star Pull Off a Political Upset


Democratic congresswoman Stacey Plaskett of the Virgin Islands won her election in 2014 in one of the "biggest upsets" in the political history of her district. But Plaskett, now hailed as a rising star in the Democratic Party, may owe her surprise win in no small part to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, newly released emails show.


Plaskett met Epstein numerous times after her entry into politics in 2014, visting Epstein's office in the Virgin Islands and his New York City townhouse, she said in a deposition last month. The meetings occurred years after Epstein's conviction on child sex crimes was publicly known, but Plaskett nonetheless met the registered sex offender to solicit campaign donations for herself and Democratic committees. Though she has denied knowing Epstein contributed to her campaign, emails revealed in court documents show her directing a fundraising consultant to ensure Epstein is invited to her fundraiser. "I would be grateful for his support," Plaskett wrote in the July 2018 email.


Details of the relationship are revealed in court documents released as part of a lawsuit the government of the Virgin Islands filed against JPMorgan, where Epstein banked for years. Emails released in the case show that Epstein jumped at a request in 2014 to help Plaskett in her underdog campaign.


The revelations place a dark cloud over Plaskett's surprising ascent in the Democratic Party ranks. Though Plaskett does not hold voting power, she has landed cushy assignments in Washington: a managerial spot on the second Donald Trump impeachment, a seat on the House Intelligence Committee, and the top Democratic position on the high-profile Weaponization of Government Subcommittee.


Liberals have cheered Plaskett's bare-knuckle tactics during Weaponization Subcommittee hearings, though she has come under fire for threatening jail time for journalist Matt Taibbi, whom Plaskett falsely accused of perjury during a hearing on censorship in April.


Epstein first helped Plaskett's campaign at the request of former Virgin Islands first lady Cecile de Jongh, according to emails.



"Your help is needed. We are trying to get Stacey Plaskett elected to Congress," de Jongh wrote in a June 19, 2014, email to Epstein, who owned a compound in the Virgin Islands dubbed "Pedophile Island."


De Jongh, who also worked as Epstein's office manager, noted that Plaskett's strongest primary challenger, then-Virgin Islands legislator Shawn-Michael Malone, had criticized Epstein's sexual exploits at a Senate hearing a week earlier.


"He is nasty and needs to be defeated," de Jongh wrote of Malone, adding that "we would have a friend in Stacey."


She asked Epstein to donate to help Plaskett reach a goal of $75,000 to win the election. Epstein told de Jongh that several of his employees would contribute to Plaskett. And they did to the tune of $10,400, according to campaign finance records. Plaskett went on to prevail over Malone in what newspapers called "one of the biggest upsets" the territory had seen.


Anonymous ID: affe9b July 21, 2023, 5:39 a.m. No.19216540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6645 >>6933 >>7084 >>7162



Plaskett defeated Malone by just 737 votes in a low-turnout primary, indicating the boost from Epstein could have made a significant difference in the race.


Plaskett maintained ties to Epstein long after her victory, even as public scrutiny mounted over the disgraced financier's sex crimes. Epstein continued to support Plaskett's campaigns through late 2018, months before he was arrested on federal child sex trafficking charges.


In a deposition conducted on May 9, Plaskett said she spoke to Epstein numerous times on the phone and visited him at his Manhattan townhouse in September 2018 to discuss political donations. Specifically, Plaskett asked Epstein to contribute $30,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.


Plaskett acknowledged in her deposition that she was aware of Epstein's reputation and that she "could have" known by the time they met in New York that Epstein took young women to his Virgin Islands getaway.


Plaskett recently addressed her courtship with Epstein, but denied knowing that he had contributed directly to her campaign.


She told a Virgin Islands radio station this month that "Epstein was a reprehensible person" and that she was "truly disgusted by his actions."


"I regret accepting that campaign contribution, but at the time I was unaware that my campaign had received it," she insisted.


But campaign records and the new batch of emails call that claim into question. Epstein contributed to Plaskett's campaigns in 2016 and 2018. And in July 2018, she asked a consultant to invite Epstein to a fundraiser she planned in New York.


"If you would share this invitation with Jeffrey I'd be much appreciative. I would be grateful for his support and the support of those that he may direct to assist me," Plaskett wrote in a July 12, 2018, email to Epstein associate Lesley Groff.



Epstein instructed Groff to "get maximum [amount]." He and two of his employees, Darren Indyke and Richard Kahn, contributed maximum donations of $2,700 to Plaskett's campaign on July 23, 2018, campaign records show.


Epstein was dead months after his last known encounter with Plaskett. He committed suicide in a jail cell as he awaited trial.


Plaskett's office did not respond to a request for comment.


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Anonymous ID: affe9b July 21, 2023, 6:10 a.m. No.19216656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6665 >>6667 >>6679

A movie about human trafficking that explains that most of them are unrecovered without explaining WHY they are unrecovered is mad suspicious.


organ and fluid harvesting is the crux of this entire thing. Expose that and normies will understand that we indeed do exist as livestock on a farm, burdened for lifelong labor and harvested at will.


planned parenthood

international red cross

perpetual wars and warzones

human trafficking


these are food sources and supply lines


Are there pedos in the mix? absolutely. They are the compromised LEO, judges, politricksters, celebrities, banksters, and MSM that facilitate the larger darker business of human farming.


Anons know.

C_A like Ballard knows too.


Yet the movie avoids this…

Anonymous ID: affe9b July 21, 2023, 6:16 a.m. No.19216676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6682


no shit. and this was known before Q. maybe not to you, but planned parenthood selling human biological material out the back door is an old story. Most here have known since atleast then.


Discredit? Everything anon said is legit. The makers know yet bypassed. That should tell anyone with discernment that there is more to the story and that they are being given merely a piece of it. yet most are not willing or able to do that.

Anonymous ID: affe9b July 21, 2023, 6:24 a.m. No.19216709   🗄️.is 🔗kun



anon seeks complete truth only and all- for all.


"I am the way the TRUTH and the life."

if we are in biblical times, and anon sees it as such, there is non 'turning this around, nor great awakening'. The shitstem is forever cast away not by the hands of man, there is also a separation of souls, then a new heaven and new earth, with new bodies, and no memory of what was. In the twinkling of an eye.


Anon sees this as a final wake up call, a last trumpet if you will.


This is a Come Out of Here My People operation, not a change the world engagement, as the latter is not biblical to anon's knowledge. They are rapidly moving toward the AC kingdom (AI, UBI, CBDC, WEF, WHO/UN, Nato vs all war, etc), and it gets worse before it gets worse, and then… it is finished, according to The Plan/The Bible.


Could be wrong. Feels right though.

Anonymous ID: affe9b July 21, 2023, 6:45 a.m. No.19216784   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes. Us. not the SOS. Why do you think it is such an ongoing thing here? To get you to subconsciously hate and to hate yourselves at that.


There is no hate, deception, or fear in the unconditional love of the Father.


Ephesians 1:4-5

Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will


1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;