Did he say about guns, “Just take them.”?
Reuters is in on this whole one world government scheme. You do know this, no?
“Fuck them fish.”
Fuck you ya filthy ape. Haven’t slept in long time.
Why is my right arm so much bigger and stronger than the left?
Did I have a stroke or something?
Did them infernal Jews defeat Yee?
Why is it such a huge fucking deal donating someone else’s blood?
A pathological fear of giants is ‘Feefyiphobia.
Inward force of object rotating about a central axis, bitch.
Is Africa burning like Canada? Or is it just the South Africa part where white descendants of Antarctic Ice Giants settled eons ago?
Is it possible to fashion a dagger from one’s own feces to escape death by avalanche?
Dogs bite Biden.
Dogs sense things about people.
Why listen to someone a dog doesn’t tolerate?
For your files.
Bogen om Peter Freuchen, 1958 – Page 191: "Han var aldeles ikke jøde, hvilket han tilstod, da jeg gik ham nærmere på klingen. Men han proklamerede uforanderligt sin lidet underbyggede påstand om, at han var jøde, specielt hvis han havde nogen i selskabet mistænkt for antisemitisme."
What about “Ground Temperature”?