Anonymous ID: 2677dc June 27, 2018, 1:55 a.m. No.1922410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2461 >>2499 >>2508 >>2527 >>2611

Ok, I might have something. Been Brazil digging.


  1. Pence was in Brasilia yesterday.


  1. There was a pair of fringe online news articles in Portuguese showing photos of the Rio Paulo (Paul river) in the city of Getulio Vargas in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The river/creek was blood red, randomly, but has supposedly gone back to normal: muddy.


  1. Vargas was a the leader of Brazil as president, dictator, and again as president for many years before during and after WWII.


  1. I think there is lots of symbolism to be looked at in that article. Vargas "committed suicide" in 1954 and that is widely believed to be true, but that might need to be reevaluated…we can come back to that later.


  1. In a related, but different note…and for some other reasons, partially due to some of the ideas in the Q Brazil thread, I started looking at Osvaldo Aranha, foreign minister during Vargas' time.



This article credits him as "the Brazilian behind the creation of the state of Israel." He was "considered fundamental behind the decision of the UN…" As an aside, I am vaguely aware, through hearsay, that some remote area in northern Brazil was being considered as a potential piece of land…but, obviously, they wanted Palestine.


  1. Follow the blood. His daughter Delminda married a Brazilian Ambassador, Antonio Correia do Lago. He was the Ambassador to the Holy See! They had 5 children. One of whom I still need to identify and trace because of different information…but another who is famous as the historian and curator and president of the Brazilian National Library, Pedro Corrêa do Lago.


  1. What gets interesting is that he is the owner of the largest private collection of autograph letters and manuscripts in the world today! And for the first time ever, a select number of those letters are going on display at the Morgan Museum in New York this month until September.


PORTUGUESE-SPEAKING NEW YORK ANONS, GET OVER THERE! SOMETHING IS BEING REVEALED IN THOSE LETTERS. The great majority of those letters are from the 50's. What's in them???

Anonymous ID: 2677dc June 27, 2018, 2:22 a.m. No.1922527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2559 >>2611








He is the guy in the UN who leveraged the vote to create Israel…

Aranha: "Em 29 de Novembro de 1947, o gaúcho Oswaldo Aranha presidia a assembleia geral da ONU que decidiria a favor da partilha do território do mandato britânico denominado Palestina que preconizava a criação de um estado árabe e outro judeu na resolução 181. As palavras de Oswaldo Aranha no fim da votação: “A resolução do comitê ad hoc para a Palestina foi adoptada por 33 votos a favor, 13 contra e 10 abstenções”. Esta frase representa o renascimento do estado-nação hebreu quase dois mil anos após a sua destruição. Após séculos de perseguições e de submissão, finalmente o sonho da autodeterminação judaica na sua terra ancestral, cujo vinculo não fora esquecido sequer em um único turno de um único dia, se tornaria realidade. E acima de tudo, uma realidade política e respaldada pela lei internacional. Décadas após a frase profética de Hertzl: “Se quiserem, não será uma lenda”, a revolução sionista se tornava um fato. O estado judeu autodeterminado, democrático e com plenos direitos para todos os cidadãos nascia e o nosso Oswaldo Aranha é o “parteiro” deste parto complicado."

Anonymous ID: 2677dc June 27, 2018, 2:29 a.m. No.1922559   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He was President of the UN general Assembly in 1947 when the UN voted to create Israel…


Shit is getting really spoofy…


I'm thinking Brazil has a BIIIIIGGGGG secret.

Anonymous ID: 2677dc June 27, 2018, 2:57 a.m. No.1922674   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Osvaldo Aranha, UN 1947 president who is credited with creating Israel…was also Knight of Malta…and son-in-law was Brazilian Ambassador to the Holy See. I'm cross-posting different pieces into the Brazilian thread…