Anonymous ID: 221c90 July 22, 2023, 8:44 a.m. No.19222603   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It’s time to bring down the PAIN.


Step 3: Make the Connections and MEME, MEME, MEME


The Sound of Freedom has rung out across the nation and the world. With it comes perspective and a means to open the eyes and awaken those who would continue to sleep on the atrocities committed to our children and our most vulnerable. The film grants us a rare moment to link the matrix that is film to the real world.


The Sound of Freedom has given us the opportunity to draw lines between the real world and the portrayals in the film, which is an extremely powerful tool in the hands of master meme anons.


Draw DIRECT lines and PARALLELS from the film to real life equivalents. Mark and name names. Use posts, graphics, and SoF scenes to make memes and additional graphics for normies to consume. This is the sledgehammer. The effect will be a massive public awakening by way of linking the film to the atrocities the film is exposing. Normies cannot do it themselves as they have been sleeping on it for so long.


In conclusion;

Anons must make memes and graphics linking scenes and plot points/characters to real life people and crimes. This will bridge the connection and allow the public course and narrative to continue to shift in favor of destroying it.


We cannot let the rare and perfect opportunity pass us by without seizing it wholeheartedly and weaponizing it against the satanic pedophilic monsters that ravage our heaven on earth.