(((▪Erdogan Aide Tells Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff To "Shut Up"▪)))
California Congressman and Trump antagonist Adam Schiff was told to "shut up" by a spokesman for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who recently won another five-year term as president with 53% of the vote in Sunday's election.
Schiff tweeted that Erdogan only "won" reelection by "decimating the opposition through arrests, violence and squashing freedom of the press" adding that Sunday's election is the latest reminder that "Turkey's descent into autocracy is another reminder that democracy is under assault worldwide."
He ended his tweet with a sarcastic "DO NOT CONGRATULATE" - a reference to a note that President Trump's advisors had handed him before a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In response, Ibrahim Kalin, an advisor and spokesman for Erdogan, told Schiff that the ((("Turkish people have spoken" and that "you need to shut up.")))….cont.