Central banks are run by the Roths. What better way to get the slaves back on the plantation than (yet another) financial system crash? Repossess delinquent mortgages. More people on public assistance. Trump economy crashed. Capitalism is declared failed and socialism is presented as the only way forward. Be careful what you hope for financial anarchists.
Indeed central banking is corrupt and needs a reset. Are resets possible without an economic crash WW? I think so since previous crashes have only made things worse.
Siren song of the socialists
Finding a currency that cannot be manipulated is the key. ALL known forms have been manipulated for centuries. PMs, Fiat, crypto have all been comped. Barter works if one has something to barter with.
2018 is shaping up to be Patriots v hard core socialists. GA can't happen soon enough!
And your mother owns bonds, divisionfag. Lurk moar - and maybe get a better job.