what is a moser?
This is interesting stuff, I've been aware of this stuff for decades and know a fair bit about these standing waves (resonance) that Nikola Tesla discovered.
what is Schumann resonance?
is it the 'electromagnetic ringing of the ionospheric bell' ?
what determines the pitch (frequency) of the 'ringing bell'
does the pitch depend on the physical size of the bell?
does the ionosphere change size?
does changing the physical size change the pitch? think slide-whistle
does the solar output vary in an 11 year cycle?
where does the energy come from to make it 'ring' ?
many questions, but few real provable answers.
my main point is that This has NOTHING to do with Q or current politics and there is already a thread for this stuff
PLEASE keep it there and NOT in the Q research thread.
How would you like if if your informative thread was spammed with off topic posts?