Anonymous ID: d9852f PB July 23, 2023, 7:40 p.m. No.19230636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Who's the dumb one? This information may be over a few heads but do give it a shot.



The Schedule F Imperative - Part 1


The Broader Application of 'Operation Warp Speed

Badlands Media




MAR 6, 2023


"…Team Trump is successfully triangulating enemies of We The People all around the globe. Through a PEADS-secretive “Operation Warp Speed,” they are boxing-in the following freedom-hating “teams” adept at manipulating media of all types: Russia, China, and the nation-states heavily influenced by them as well as the Deep State globalists who often operate on the down-low with Russia and China in their opposition to We The People…


Operation Warp Speed, of course, was officially announced as a public-private partnership initiated by the U.S. government in May 2020 to accelerate the development, production, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.


In my theory, it was and is much, much more than that…


In my theory, the operation is not “a” major initiative of the Trump administration, it is “the” overarching operation of Trump’s first term in office…


Officially speaking, the cover story of Operation Warp Speed involved collaboration between multiple government agencies, including the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Defense, and the National Institutes of Health, as well as private companies and academic institutions.


In my theory, however, the plan was a truly clandestine operation implemented secretly as a whole-of-government effort that will never be publicly acknowledged. It had the benefit, however, of allowing Donald Trump to “capture them all,” given its unique tentacles reaching all aspects of the Corporatist Industrial Complex…


He had the singular wisdom to know that in matters of warfare, America prefers offense and innovation. He also had the singular wisdom to know that we were, in fact, in a war for our very existence.


This meant, to be effective in his effort to save the American Republic, he and his team of supporters had to not only be innovative, but they had to secretly turn the conservative approach on its head and go on the offense.


As irregular warriors.


They knew, given the decades-long invasion, only by going on the offensive could they instead deliver demoralization, destabilization, and chaos to the enemies of America, internally and externally, rather than receive it…


How was this “going on the offensive” action accomplished and how is it still being accomplished?


Well, I’ve already given you the clue.


Schedule F.