>When does a bird sing?
>Biden will become synonymous with the word Traitor.
and his party won't fare much better
>squawking civilian
>China have done fuck all
I'll have the Beef Pepper Steak and a couple egg rolls. Now chop chop Hop Sing!
makes anon wonder about every time they ate chinese food in the past
> Place was permanently closed down
were there any criminal charges?
china has a long history of making products for US consumers that are harmful in not so obvious ways. only once called on it by the US will they say they are correcting it. this has happened over and over and over again. malicious compliance as to doing the right thing in the first place. covert attack. evil. also carpet bombing our economy with massive amounts of high quality counterfeit US currency since well back into the last century. they been doing these things for a long time. none of the politicians wanted to admit it. fuckers should have told the truth to the public right away. idiots.
>more China bashing
I got to some bad news for you sunshine. I have not yet begun to bash.
anon gets mega cringe every time chinese person compliments me on my pet dog
>Destabilizing the entire Globe.
Ho Chi Minh was OSS in WWII. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.