Anonymous ID: 6f039f July 24, 2023, 6:47 a.m. No.19232190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2197


how do the muh-shills fit this 'civil war' (as the left wants to call it) in that country?

the left wants 'reasonableness' which seems to mean 'left wing over reach is always approved and anyone who dares to try to counter it is slapped back by a coddled and protected class of marxist judges.


but the muh-shills say 'all of they are muh-bad-people'.


and yet it seems as though that country has the same issues that we do: a small number of 'special special' ex-soviet block marxists and Socialist International seem to run everything for their benefit at the expense of all the rest.



muh-shills, take note. your narrative is proven false by the actual events going on in that country.

and the typical response of the left: it's the road to dictatorship.


when in fact a defacto dictatorship of leftists has been going on for 40 years (so it seems) both there and here.

Anonymous ID: 6f039f July 24, 2023, 6:52 a.m. No.19232204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2218


years ago using the term 'Marxist' and talking openly about Socialist International was taboo.

Now it's allowed.


I knew this stuff maybe 30 years ago. I didn't talk about it because people would shun me if I did.

Anonymous ID: 6f039f July 24, 2023, 7:05 a.m. No.19232240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2403


I had a lot of inklings about the Socialist International.

My state is a captive of it.

and then when our legislature started lauding the 'dreamers' and giving them free college tuition to me that was a verification that all the stuff I suspected was most likely true.

Why would you give the children of foriegners a free-ride in college and force the locals to pay full tuition?

It was a red-pill (though I didn't use that term).

I think that when Nixon was thrown down that many states also got taken over by SI. They played the long-game and waited out the Reagan-Bush years.

Senior Executive Service (SES) was established as a place to enthrone mini-dictators in many different offices.

they attempted to do what Europe has: elected representatives having little or no power.


And the term 'Czar' is used to describe the various dictators.

now we have a climate czar, a useless bureaucrat who sniffs his explanations of his extreme and selfish lifestyle with his 'do you know who I am' yammering as he flies around the world on a private jet paid for by the government that his wife is said to own.


At the same time they pretend that they are the pious saviors of humanity