Anonymous ID: fbdf83 July 24, 2023, 1:04 p.m. No.19234201   🗄️.is 🔗kun

POTUS asked questions earlier: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Joe Biden is the most corrupt President in the history of the United States, which is being undeniably proven in the House of Representatives every single day. But with all of these horrible revelations and facts, why hasn’t Republican “leadership” in the Senate spoken up and rebuked Crooked Joe Biden and the Radical Left Democrats, Fascists, and Marxists for their criminal acts against our Country, some of them against me. How long does America have to wait for the Senate to ACT? Jul 24, 2023, 8:48 AM


Because they're the NWO/Communist Owned and Controlled Blackmailed Uniparty which needs to be exposed and abolished. Who needs all of those wastes of oxygen, whose SOLE purpose is to put on theater, anyway? Since POTUS wrote “act/s” twice, looked up some old stuff:

The Emergency Detention Act of 1950 (Repealed by TrickyDick in 1971)"Emergency_Detention_Act")/

The Emergency Detention Act comprised Title II of the Internal Security Act of 1950 (also known as the McCarran Act). Passed during the height of the McCarthyist anti-communist fervor over President Truman 's veto, the Internal Security Act enacted communist registration in Title I (Subversive Activities Control Act). Title II authorized the attorney general "to apprehend and … detain … each person as to whom there is reasonable ground to believe that such person probably will engage in, or probably will conspire with others to engage in, acts of espionage or sabotage" in the event of "war, invasion, or insurrection in aid of a foreign enemy." Emergency detention was never enforced under this law, because the presidential declaration of "internal security emergency," the condition upon which this law was activated, was never issued. … The supporters of the bill considered it an improvement over the Japanese American mass incarceration, because the detention would be conducted on individual basis. Ironically, the emergency detention bill was added to the communist registration bill, which became the Subversive Activities Control Act (Title I), and was passed as the Emergency Detention Act, Title II of the Internal Security Act of 1950.

Public anxiety about concentration camps spread as a rumor circulated in African American and radical activist communities that the government was preparing to round them up and house them in concentration camps…. After extensive hearings and complex Congressional maneuvering, Congress passed the Repeal bill, now H.R.234, on September 14, 1971, by an overwhelming majority (356-49). H.R.234 not only repealed Title II but also prohibited "the establishment of the emergency detention camps." President Richard M. Nixon signed it into a law on September 25, 1971. The Emergency Detention Act ended its twenty-one years of life without ever being invoked.


Guess this was (secretly) wiped out, as well? Statement by President Eisenhower Upon Signing the Communist Control Act of 1954

August 24, 1954 - I HAVE TODAY signed S. 3706, An Act to make illegal the Communist Party and to prohibit members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities. The American people are determined to protect themselves and their institutions against any organization in their midst which, purporting to be a political party within the normally accepted meaning, is actually a conspiracy dedicated to the violent overthrow of our entire form of government… 1. I signed a bill granting immunity from prosecution to certain suspected persons in order to aid in obtaining the conviction of subversives… 2. The Congress has passed a bill providing for the loss of citizenship by those advocating the overthrow of our government by force and violence. In carrying out the Administration's recommendation that - any citizen who knowingly and actively participates in the Communist conspiracy to overthrow the government by force and violence should be regarded as renouncing his allegiance to the United States and forfeiting his right to citizenship- 6. The foregoing bill also includes a provision for the death penalty for persons found guilty of peacetime espionage. 7. I have already approved a bill requiring "Communist-Action" or “Communist-Front" organizations, which must register under the Internal Security Act… ALL of those worthless "elected" fucks would be Firing Sqadded, pronto! "COLORS" VID (3:15) explains how the Uniparty "sides" swapped colors in 2000. Who noticed?