And we also have this DANGEROUS THING CALLED "MUSIC" and "FLOWERS"
Lemme call my Frog…
sorry operator just testing the line unless anon needs it.
Send them now!
> obamas Playlist looks to be a threat
ho'omaika'i aina au.
nana i ke kipi ali'i e. kipi ali'i ho'opunipuni wale. 'a'ole kipi ali'i. ua mau ka ia o ka aina e ke pono.
AlohaNui kakou
amama ua noa
Fox diehards - it's a tough nut to crack for sure.
If only people could think in terms of Globalist and smith mundt modernization act , patriot act, ndaa, cog.
Then it becomes clear why FBI, DOJ, SES, FCC, BBG, FTC, SEC, IRS on an on behave.
They coordinate/Fight to make LIES become REALITY.
Anon works/FIGHTS to make TRUTH become REALITY
it's okay. EPA says they will raise the FLOOR.
Remember Kipling, and keep your head when all else is going to fucking shit.